Truth about me....................

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Hey guys!! So heres a picture of granny that is Emily....

Angels P.O.V

Flashback when Angel was 6 years old.....

It was a dream ,horrible dream. I dont know what kind of dreams it was ,people were taunting me, calling me witch when I woke up terrified of that horribl dream I saw what a norrible child would be horrified to see. I saw my teddy, a gift from daddy for my 6th birthday in the air, floating, glaring at me with its blood red eyes. I was terrified. And the room was all dark which was not helping at all.

Next day I was with mommy all time, scared to be alone. Mom thought it was a dream but nevertheless stayed by my side all the time. But mom had to go for work. Now I was all alone in the house since the servants were always in the kitchen quarter and my lousy babysitter dissappeared to talk with her lover on the phone.

Ring. Ring.

I ran towards the phone in relief that at least I would be taking to someone.picking up the phone I said,


"How's my dear doing?" The familiar voice chirped.

"Granny!!!! I am fine. How are you. I missy you a lot!!!" I shouted happy to hear my grannys voice after so long.

"I heard you had bad dreams?" Granny asked. I wonder who told her...maybe mommy.

"Yes Granny." I said remembering that terrifiyng dream.

"Honey I just want to tell you one thing these are not mere dreams these are your future. Don't underestimate them. Understood my dear?" Granny said all seriously, yhe happy voice gone.

"But Gra.......?"


Flashback ends..........

I didn't understand what she meant at that time and I also didnt remember about this incident which was a long time ago. But suddenly this flashback came to me today. Wonder why...?. But now why do I think that Granny is gonna bring up the topic topic today? Silly me. She wouldnt even remember this incident. And she is in such a old age is an assurance that she forgot about that day. But then again my granny is a very healthy woman.

We are currently at the table eating dinner quietely as I zoned out thinking about that day again.We were in an awkard silence.After dinner I was going out with Granny. So I decided to break the silence using the topic since I noticed Nina was frustrated since she was the quiet not girl at all.

"Ummmmm. So, granny where are we going after dinner?" I said breaking the silence as Nina and Lailah looked up from their plates confused.

"Where are we going?"Nina said.

"Not we, me and Angy is going out. You girls are going to stay back and go to sleep."Granny said harshly,nodding.

"Now that was rude." Nina muttered scoffing.

"Oh I am sorry I didnt mean it that way. Listen sweety. I dont want to be rude its just old acquaintance who wants to meet Angel. And I dont want anything to happen to you both. And I dont think I will be able to handle three girls altogether in the night." Granny told them affectionately realizing her harsh tone. Honestly it was not her fault she always talked to people this way. And I told Nina and Lailah about. But I guess Nina didnt remember.

"Okay Emily we understand. We'll be okay. Dont worry about us. And we wont mind. Ain't it Nina?" Lola asked looking at Nina.

"Yes Emily."Nina said noncholantly.

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