Blue eyes and new friends....................

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Today's the first day.Me, Nina and Laila have arrived in the school. There is a large gate and a wall of brick which seperates the school from the roads. Inside of the school you can see a large playground. And then there is the school building. The building is in creme colour. Entering the school you can see a large hall with several rooms. On the right sides were several rooms maybe offices and the teachers and principals room. And cantene, washroom and staircase was on left. It was just like any other typical high school.
I was observing the hall with so attention that I didn't see a boy coming in our way. The stupid me collided with him.  As a a result of which some drink or whatever liquid which was in the boys hand fell on me.
I didnt have the time to care about my clothes since I was busy worrying, I was going to land on my back but I guess fate was in my favour, as I saw myself in the arms of the boy. And then I saw him......
He had dark blue eyes with red hinges. His face was pale white with those red plum lips. Brown hair  cassading till his forehead. But the part which I loved the most was his eyes. It expressed so many things. I could see many emotions-surprise,confusion,pain and realization in his eyes.
I was so busy watching him that I didnt realize I was staring at him. But it was too late to realise that.

After a while the boy spoke,"Are you idiot or what?" His voice like music to my ears,deep and in an old accent.

"What do you mean?" I said remembering the boys question.

"I said can't you watch where you are going? Or I guess you crashed with me deliberately. Isn't it?" He said with a smirk.

Hey no matter how handsome he is he doesnt have the right to judge anyone, specially not me.
"Oh no. Who do you think you are that I would collide with deliberately?" I knew that my granny was known a lot around here. Why I didnt know. But I guess since she was an elderly person or so... Whatever since my granny is respected I thought it wouldnt be too bad if I show a little bit attitude.

"I am not someone you would ever be friends with. So, excuse me?" He retorded. And with that he went away but before going he, turned around and said,"And stop staring and drooling at me. I know I am too handsome and you cant help it. But you are never going to get me" And with a smirk on his face he went away. WAIT, WHAT?

I can say I was as red as a tomatoe by now.But something was in there in him that I can't stop thinking about. I can't even say what that thing is?

But then I remembered I have class to attend to which I forgot about gecause of that boy whose name I dont know. I wonder what his name would be...

"What was that?" Uh oh. I think my friends were standing beside watching the whole scenerio and I dont think they are hoing to let go of it so easily. Damn!

"What?" I said instead of knowing what they were talking about.

"I can say there is a good chemistry" Nina said wiggling her eyebrows with her mischievous smile.


"Okay lets go now. We have classes to attend to" Lailah cut in. I was thankful to her because I know that Nina was not gonna stop.

"Fine. But we are gonna talk about it, later but now lets get you out of that dress." Nina replied.


The classes went well. When we entered the class, the teacher on knowing my name couldn't stop panicking. I knew something like this would happen.I tried to console him by answering all his answers too sweetly which I guess scared him all the more.

We created few friends too. They were too sweet. Some of them even gave us their numbers in instant. But all of them seemed a bit weird except a few who were genuine in welcoming us.

Whatever the liquid that blue eyed was carry8ng it left a big red stain on my dress.  People were staring at me awkardly, which I must say was very embarrasing..Some teachers also told me to change as quickly as possible.Thanks to Nina I got a fresh shirt but if its Nina's its supposed to be fancy. But still it was simple compared to what she was wearing.Next time I see that blue eyeish boy I am not gonna spare him. thanks to him of my favourite to0 got spoiled.

We are now in the cafeteria, Searching for a table. Some students were peeping at us from the corner of their eyes and some were staring at us in the puplic And like movies show, popular students sits in the middle of cantene. We also sat in the middle of cantene. The cantene was like any other cantene. The table we were sitting on had eight chairs when others requested to sit with us.

"You are Angel right.? Angel Parker?"


"Hi I am Michaelle. Call me Mike", said the boy with blonde hair whom I remember to b3 one of those whe were genuinely welcoming us.

"You know me Angel and my friends Lailah and Nina"

"Hey!!" Both of them said.

"That is Rachael,Mitchelle and James" mike said introducing his other friends.


One thing I noticed that they were all pale white.

And they were all blonde. I guess it was their thing or their code or something.

"Can we sit with you?" Mike asked politely.

"Sure." I said.

Al the time we really had fun in the cafeteria. They also told us that all of them have class with us after checking our routines. It seemed like we had also fitted in their group. After all the classes ended I told Lilah and Nina to go home. I wanted to stroll around a little bit.

It will be an utter lie if I say that Devila is not beautiful. It is really beautiful small and cozy town. After strolling around the town, I was walking back to grannys home.In the way home there were woods in the left side of the road while there was nothing 8n 5he right side just plain ;ield.. I was walking back when I heard a scream. No not a screama a growl. It will be an understatement if I say I am not scared. But a part of me wanted to know what was happening. So shoving all of my fears away I went inside the forest.

"NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO." It was the same boy whom I met, no collided at the school in the morning.

The Cursed And His Angel (Curse Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now