An Unknown Concert.....................

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After that night I kept tossing and turning in bed thinking about what Carter said. I hate to admit but it feels good that Carter still wants me. Although its for mere moments after that he will again break my heart. But I love to admit that I am strong enough to get over him and ignore him.

After that on Saturday we all spent whole day sleeping because apparently on Friday we couldn’t get enough sleep due to practicing on different spells.

And now its Sunday and me, Bri and Cole are watching unnecessary shows on T.V and Liam, Paul and Ver has gone for grocery shopping.

"I am so bored." Bri said yawning.

"We never had such a boring weekend."

"I think we sho-" i got cut of with my phone ringing. I see my displaying 'Liam the matured one,lol.'




:Get ready and tell the others to get ready too."


"Uhmm actually in the market there we met some fan of our band. And coincidently somes fans of other band were also present in the mall. When they were having our autographs and all that, the other fans spoke about other bands and their great music. So this caught our bands fan off gard and they got into a pretty fight and while all those arguing they somehow made up the fact that we are gonna have a concert tonight." Liam said.

"Oh. Wow that means we are gonna have a concert without our own agreement." I chuckled.

"Yeah something like that." Liam laughed.
"So go get ready we are coming then we will go to the venue and set up stage and all that coz this time there will be no sponsor nor tickets."

"Yeah we will get ready."

After disconnecting the call I saw Bri and Cole arching their eyebrows at me with curious eyes,

I smirked, "Well it seems like we are not gonna have such boring day after all.


The place was not that bad after all. Beside the place where the stage are going to be set was a small lake. And around the lake beautiful flowers surrounding. The rest of the field was grass. It was not big. But big field was not neede either considering the population of Devilla.

As soon as we entered we were surrounded by 6 people. Like us 3 of them were girls and 3 were boys.

"Hello we are a big fan of yours.  And are also a band. We want to be like your band.' We are really a big fan of yours." A girl from the left side said cheerfully. Woah we didnt guess we would have such fans in Devilla also.

"And they are the one who fought for our band and set this concert up." Paul said.

"Oh we are sorry about that we didnt mean to cause trouble it just went out of mouth while arguing." A boy said.

"Oh its okay. We were bored at home anyway." I said.

"Thank you. So have you decide which song you are going to sing." Another girl asked.

"Not yet. We will just go with the flow I guess." Bri said.


After half an hour Rach, Mitch, Mike, Jake along with Nina, Lailah, Taylor and Charlie came to help us. Carter didnt come though. Although I wanted to know where he was I didnt ask nor did anyone else and they didnt say anything also.

Now I am helping set the stage up. I was having problem with the pins setting on the stage along with when Liam came and helped me up. He held both my hand and hammer and said, "This is how yu do it." extremely close to my ear. 

Though Liam was teaching me how to do it I wasn't learning a thing. I was too overwhelmed by the handsome standing behind me whose chest was like attached to my back.

After finishing all the hammer thing he huskily whisperd in my ear, :If you dont concentrate you'll wont be able to learn. I know I am too attractive but you have hurry, An." I shivered. I could see his smirk against my ear.

I blushed a bit but hid it. I dont like to show people my blush. It makes me look fragile.


Before the concrt could start Carter came. When he came looked at me longingly but as usual I ignored.

I was now in the stage with others. I was suprised to say the least. In a small ton like a lot people came to the concert. The field was full and people even stood outside the field to hear the concert for not having space.

After the concert people started going away many peoples also congratulated us as we sang good. But in my point of view I could sing better.


I was now standing in the edge of the lake as everyone was packing their things. I already ready was waiting for them.

A shadow indicated me that someone is beside me but I already knew who it was.

"How much you try you cant get me to say yes. You know?" I said.

"Then I will keep trying." He said.

"No benefit. Just drop it." I replied.

"How can I? I havent even tried my best yet."  He answered.

I just stood there for a few longer when he said, "Wont you ask where was I the whole day?"

"Why should I? I don't care. You may just be having a quick session with Kate." I said.

"No I was not with Kate. I just want to be with Angel. And I will make sure that in a few days you will care about me By the way you were good today. You know in the concert." Carter said

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"I am sorry Angel in the past I was a fool. And I just,,,,,,,,,,,was being idiot thinking that I could dodge something by staying away from you. I was stupid." He said.

"What were you trying to dodge?" I asked.

"A curse."


"Angel." Liam called me over.

We went to where was Liam standing and Liam said, "Its time to get into work. Alex called there has been some more murder. We should  reach there before the sent or any chance of the attacker goes."

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