Did you know I am deaf and mute????????????

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Well the next day at school wasn't that special. Even at the lunch we just planned about the ways for finding the creature who is doing all this. Uggh I am tired of calling 'it', 'creature' etc etc. What should I call it. Yeah I should call it...... Found it!!! From now I will call it "The Bad guy"  Yeah.

So what am I doing. I am being scolded by granny now. Why? Well okay school was not that special would be a small lie. Okay a teeny little big lie.

Well it turns out that a new boy joined in the school.  Then you would be thinking why am I getting scolded. Its a bit complited but still I'll tell you.

I am just irritated. From early dawn Cole has been irritating me. I am now in the history one more class I am really good at but I hate. Our teacher whose name I dont remember came in the class.

He said in his thick accent, "Good morning class. Today a new student will be joining us. Come in."

A new boy came strutting in the class. He was hot but not my type. And the way he was walking I knew he was full of himself. "Introduce yourself."  Teacher said.

"Hello I am Ben. Benjamin Harper. I am a new student on Scholarship.: He replied cheekily.

"Okay. Go sit down next to" Mr. I-dont-know-the-name-of said looking around the class."Ms.Angel Parker. Ms.Parker wave your hands."

Did the oldie had to name me. Ughh. Now I regret why my name is Parker. Okay I am exegerrating a bit but the boy looks trouble.

I lamely waved my hand. As soon as Ben saw me it seemed like he found a new prey.

During the whole class he tried to call me but I pretended I didnt hear.

After the break I was taking my for going to the class when a pair of arms snaked around my waist.

Shocked I did the first thing that came to my mind and hit the person with my elbow. I turned and hit the person in the face and the attacker held his face in his hand as a result I couldnt see the persons face. I not caring whoever the he is kicked the boy in the stomach. I was about to punch him again but the principal interfered.

"Enough. Ms.Parker go to your classsroom and nurse take Mr. Harper to the  nurses room." Oooops so that was Ben.

So thats how it went a little sorry a teeny big out of hand. My ythoughts were interrupted by granny's shouting. So what was happening. I guess granny was scoldi..........


"Yeah. I am listening to you. Continue." I said sarcastically. But she didnt catcht it or ignored it.

"Do you want to say anything about it Angy?"

"Yeah. I wanted to say that you should get used to such calls. Cause I guess you will be getting a lot of them. And I do not regret hitting Ben." I said and ran upstairs, went into my room and closed the door.And breathed in relief.


"Lets go out tonight. Last few days have been all work related." Bri said.

"Yeah. I am totally exhausted from these few days." Ver said throwing her hand in the air to show her frustation.

I opened my mouth to say something but a voice interrupted me. Damn what is with all these interruption these days.

"Hey girls if you are going out tonight I can take you. I mean" Soon Paul and Cole came and side hugged them protectively.

Ben noticed and turned to me with a big grin on his face as I would seem single to him. 

"Angel I am sorry about yesterday. I didnt want to scare you. I am really sorry about yesterday. Come on lets be friends." He said and extended his hands. I stared at him skeptically. Really? By the time others came also including Carter.

"Come on Angel I havent heard your voice yet. Say something." Then I realised I havent talked to him once since yesterday. And I was completely ignoring him. So why not play a little?

I held up my hand to my chest and pointed my finger to my mouth and ear and shook my head. Everyone seemed pretty confused other than Ben. He looked totally shocked.

"Shit. Angel I didnt know. I am really sorry I didnt know you were.......... deaf and mute. I am so sorry." Ben apologized. 

Liam was going to tell him but I nodded my head and waved my hand indicating its okay. Liam understood and shaked his head.

"But I thought you were a singer?" Ben asked scratching his head confusingly.

Ok. How do I answer that? Shit!

I started waving my hand in the air not knowing what o do? I kept waving my hair and accidentally ok a bit intentionally I slapped Carter and Ben as they were close. But still I kept my hand in the air doing what I dont know.

"I didnt get you Angel." Ben said rubbing his cheek.

I turned to Liam, Paul, Bri, Ver, Cole and indicated help.

"Umm Angel was a singer a very good one." Bri said a bit too loudly.

"Yeah. And I must say she was very good one." Cole said.

"Right. But a tragedy took her voice away. A very bad tragedy." Paul said.

"Yeah. One day in a concert she was singing and thats when she lost her voice." Ver said.


"What?" Ben said voicing me.

Liam hit Ver on the arm and said, "Ver meant to say that she was singing very good in the concert."

"And loudly." Bri said.

"She was singing so loud that."

"She lost her voice." Liam finished Cole's unsaid sentence.

Ben was still confused and we ran to the class. Practically.

The Cursed And His Angel (Curse Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now