Breaking Down

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The outcome of the war was only half what the Order anticipated. They didn't expect Dumbledore to "die", or Sirius, or find out that Snape wasn't the bad guy and Dumbledore was still alive. They anticipated that Harry would kill Voldemort While they thought for two years that Dumbledore had been murdered by Snape, and that Snape had turned back over to the dark side, they knew nothing. Nothing of what really happened a year before Dumbledore's "death". Snape had been Dumbledore's pawn for over 17 years, and driven by love for over twenty, at least. When Dumbledore came out of hiding after finding out that Harry had killed Voldemort, everyone was shocked, but numb to asking questions. So many people they knew had died during the battle. Charlie Weasly, Ted Tonks, Collin Crevey, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Professor Sprout, and Professor Flitwick. They'd all been killed by Voldemort's own hand as examples of the "traitorous" blood that ran in their veins. Snape stayed Voldemort's pawn the entire time, keeping his word to Dumbledore.

No one but Dumbledore knew that Snape was not as hard and angry as he lead everyone to believe. He had secretly loved Harry's mother since he was eleven, secretly liked Harry as a person and thought him to be as smart as his father, without the bulling. He was just so used to keeping his mind shielded from Voldemort that it took longer than he originally thought to face the people that trusted him, then hated him. Dumbledore had already told everyone the whole story, almost without Snape's help.

It was months before Snape came back to Hogwarts from hiding. He needed to get in control of everything. Become the man he used to be, dark but soft. The man that Lily fell for. Walking into the Great Hall, passed the students who had come back to fulfill their NEWT levels and continue their schooling. Some were whispering to each other, others had hate on their faces. Snape swallowed hard and continued. He had to be in control. He had to. Harry, whom Snape couldn't help but smile at when he saw Lily's eyes, was shocked that he would show his face here again. He knew nothing really and still didn't understand that Dumbledore trusted him for a good reason. However they all wanted an explanation, so no one really fought him or demanded to know why he dared show his face.

Dumbledore stood up and walked around the teachers table, passed his empty seat as he met Snape.

"Severus," Dumbledore greeted, "I thank you. You are free of your commitment." They hugged.

"Really? Truly?" Snape replied, hard voice breaking. Some teachers, including Remus and Tonks, were sitting in new seats. Hagrid had resigned as Care of Magical Creatures teacher to spend more time with Madam Maxim. Remus had taken his place, as a Magical Creature himself, while Tonks had become the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. It was a post she loved. Magonagle still taught Transfiguration, and Narcissa, believe it or not had taken over Charms. Neville had been asked after they found Sprout dead to take her place. He was studying Herbology under a Professor named Herb, while teaching to perfect his teaching and Herbology skills.

Dumbledore nodded. "Lily would be proud of you, Severus. You saved her son," he said lowly.

"She shouldn't forgive me. She shouldn't be proud. I got her killed. I almost got Harry killed in the forest." Snape's voice broke a little more.

"The horcrux was killed, not the boy you helped protect, and by the looks of it, could do with some answers," Dumbledore said, briefly glancing at Harry. "They both could." Snape and Dumbledore stared at one another for the longest. Snape's eyes were watering. Then, suddenly, Snape buckled.

Everyone watched as Snape broke down, their colleague and professor who always had it together, sink to his knees and cry. Minerva wiped her eyes as she saw the man that she disliked, but didn't hate, cry when he hardly shown any mercy before then. Hermione's heart broke, Ron gaped on, and Harry, who had every right to hate him and watch him suffer (though not knowing it yet), strolled forward, Remus reaching him first, and help Snape up. Snape had let them, his eyes full of tears, looking over both of them.

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