So I'm just going to complain a bit

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Sorry. Rant time. Not like crazy angry rant. More of a ramble I guess.

Let me tell you about my past few months. Hahahahaha. Lord.

I told you about wrecking my car a few years back, yeah? Then I got a new one. An 05 beetle, to be exact...

Big mistake... Like huge. Like 9 months after I got it, a tire blew out and that bent the rim. I mean that's not awful but I couldn't do any long distance driving. Like to my dads. So that sucked.

Then I (finally) got the new rim a few months ago. Literally, two weeks after I got it, I'm driving in a bad storm. And the roads on my way to work, well... They suck. So I drove over a little puddle. Haha. No. The puddle was covering up a MASSIVE pothole. It broke my exhaust. The Y-pipe. Like right at the head of the manifold. Like a $1,800 fix.

So that's stressing me out. Then, when I got my oil and filters changed, car doesn't work. Starts fine but won't accelerate or love more than ten feet.

Turns out the guys who changed my oil and filters didn't plug something back in right. But I was done with that car.

So a few weeks ago I got a new one. Now I need to sell the old to help pay off the loan I got for the new car. So. Yeah. Fun stuff.

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