This is just gonna be a long.... Update of my life.

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Gonna start by apologizing in advance if y'all don't wanna read all of this. Because it is going to be long. And crazy. And yeah. So. Sorry.

Anywho. I'll start by saying that I sold the Beetle from Hell. Thankfully. And my new car is amazing❤️❤️❤️. I love it so so much. It's another Altima. Guess I like my Altimas. They're good, sturdy, and reliable.

So that was back in April. Uh... Kinda uneventful all the way til July when I turned 22 then went to Warped. Which was so amazing. (Hate to say it but Good Charlotte was better than Mayday Parade and We The Kings). But I don't really hate to see it. The crowd for GC was HUGE. Like crazy huge. There were people lined up over halfway to the stages across Warped. MP and WTK were awesome too, though. I love them both so much.

So that was fun. I actually got some sun. Lol.

Then, for a birthday present, my sister got both of us VIP tickets to see Marianas Trench. We got tickets in Omaha, since our uncle lives there and we stayed with him. Would have been a totally amazing weekend. Should have been.

But this is where it gets... Hectic, for lack of a better word. Maybe drastic? Yeah. That works too.

The concert is on a Sunday night. We got to our uncles at like 6 on Saturday night. We hang out with him and his wife, then we go to our cousins house for dinner (without our aunt as she's super sick and can't really leave the house often). All of our cousins are there, we eat, we talk, and we have an awesome time. We head back to our uncles around midnight.

Yay, fun part...

Our stepdad calls us a bit after we get back to the house. He tells us that the racer he sponsors was in an accident during a race and he was air lifted to Lincoln. He also says that he'd really like for me and Morgan to meet him there. So we leave for the hospital in Lincoln (about an hour away from Omaha) at 1:30 in the morning. I am not going to lie... I ran some red lights and stop signs. On accident. I was tired and we were like "what is going on right now". My sister and I also got lost a few times looking for the hospital.


We FINALLY make it to the hospital and see Brodie sitting outside. We stand with him for a bit before he tells us we should probably go to our mom cause she's been crying.

We are in for a long wait. I try to get in a nap. I guess I did get in a nap because I wake up to Bryan's aunt telling the kid sitting next to me what's going on with him...

He's alive only because of machines. The family is also only keeping him on the machines until his sister gets there to say goodbye. So that was sad. And everyone was crying.

What got me was when his mom was hugging my mom and crying out, "My boy. My baby boy." In such a broken-hearted tone.

Then. Not even twenty freaking minutes after the family told us what what's going on. The fucking news decided to play the clip someone recorded of his crash. 'Tragedy on the Tracks' the headline was. Wanna take a guess at who the first person to see it was?

His fiancée. She started screaming no and ran out of the hospital before collapsing.

We didn't get out of the hospital until after six in the morning. Then Brodie got is a hotel room and said we had to stay until he left. No one really got any sleep. Morgan and I found a place to eat more out of the fact that we knew we needed to eat than that we were hungry. (Shoutout to everyone at the restaurant who didn't judge us for our shitty and somber appearances. Really, though, thanks for not even starting or so much as glancing at us. And thank you waiter for being nice even though we weren't smiling or really talking back to you).

So we finally get back to our uncles at like three and decide we should probably get ready for the concert. Because Morgan spent like $400 on tickets and at that point we felt like we were going just so we didn't waste the money.

We get to the venue at like 6:30 and get to wait in like until 8. Turns out the meet and greet was at 3:30 so there was no way we would have made it anyways. So kinda bummed about that but. Oh well, right?

The opening act was good. The Midways? Yeah. The signer kinda reminded me of Brian Logan Dales. Then Skylar Stecker went on. That girl can sing. And she's like 14? Wtf.

And then Marianas Trench. Oh. My. Lord. Like no words. So much better live than in YouTube or their albums. So talented. I'm kinda in love. Sorry for fangirling. So that cheered me up a little bit. Until afterwards. You know. Sadness.

So we went the whole next week not having any idea when the funeral was going to be. Then we find out like four days before the funeral. It's in Indiana. So I go to work, get off, then me and Payton drive to Indiana (where everyone else already is) and to our hotel. The next day is the funeral. Afterwards everyone drinks and most everyone gets drunk. Then Friday, Payton and I drive back home.

Being an adult and having to work is fun. I still feel like my sleep schedule is messed up.

Anywho. I found out two days ago that the assistant manager of Starbucks quit. So I talked to my managers in both Starbucks and produce about applying for it. My produce manager told me right away that he'd miss me but I should definitely go for it. My Starbucks manager said that she definitely needed me. I talked to my store director and put in the application yesterday. And the manager of perishables told me yesterday that he's glad I'm applying because they really need me.

I don't wanna be overly confident or over hopeful, but I feel good. I know Patrick is gonna put in a good word for me ( he even told me he would) and Brad seemed like if Chad asked him he'd put in a good word for me too. I'm pretty sure Chad likes me (I think everyone does because I am a hard worker). So I'm excited about that.

Full time. Benefits. Possibly a raise. Yeah. That'd be awesome.

So. That's been my past few months (actually the past like month).

Very eventual, huh?

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