My dogs..

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I have three dogs..




Now, don't get me wrong, I love them.. Most of the time..

But they drive me completely insane.

Who to start with?

Bonnie. She's pretty much an attention whore. And completely needy.

I can't take clinginess.. And she hates me..

Like seriously... haha She's not completely mean about it but she can be so evil towards me.. She attacked me once.. For getting up to take her out to potty.. when I told my mom about i tshe just laughed and didn't believe me.. whatever though.

Now onto Sadie.. 

She barely classifies as a dog.. More like a hippo.. I'm usually fed up with Sadie.

Not only is she dumb but she knows she's huge. Then she chooses to get herself stuck between the table and couch every single day. Or step on your toes with her ginourmous paws. Ouch.. And she's a huge glutton.. Seriously. 

She goes up the stairs every single morning after she's eaten her food just so she can literally inhale that cats' food. And if you give her a treat, she tries to bite your hand off with it.. Then she tries to eat freaking DVDs.. Why? It's freaking plastic. Leave it alone..

Roxy Is sort of a tag team with Sadie. We can't leave them alone if the kitchen doors are open. Otherwise the trash can is knocked over and mauled and all of the trash is all over the house..

Both of them do this. And we have to hide food from Roxy or she gets if off the counters or tables and eats it all.. 

Back to Sadie.. She humps Roxy everyday at least three times. And since Sadie is so huge, poor Roxy has to cower on the ground and take it to the head because she can't move. 

I just don't understand... 

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