Step monster part II

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I guess this could be Alyssa Part II: The Monster Strikes.

I can officially say that I can't stand her now. She's a monster. Actually, so is her mother.

Which really sucks because I did like them both.

And then that changed.

All in one day.

Just a couple hours, really.

Are you ready for a long story in which I'm going to rant and whatnot?

No? Okay.. I'll give you some time to prepare yourselves...









Ready now?


Okay good.

 So remember when I was talking about my parking permit? Can you guess where I found it?

The trash.

Can you guess what I found with it?

My Muppets Treasure Island VHS tape. The best Muppets movie to ever exist.

Do you remember when I said that wasn't the maddest I've ever been?

Well. What I'm about to get into trumps all of the times I've ever been mad. Like, by a thousand. Not only did this make me mad but it makes me feel completely unwelcome in my own home and I feel like the other shoe is going to drop at any moment now. My feelings are also hurt and I feel like I can't trust either Alyssa or her mom ever again. Which kind of sucks.

It all started when my sister came down for her spring break. I mean, at first things were going great. Then came Monday. You know? The worst days of the week? Yeah.. This was the Monday of all Mondays for me.


You remember how I told you Alyssa makes all this unnecessary noise? Well on this particular Monday, she didn't. Her alarm didn't even go off. Actually, she didn't wake me up until just before she was leaving when she turned on the light. Weird, right?

So that woke me and Morgan up and I told my sister that happens to me every day except usually she's louder. Then I got ready for school. After that, I went to the gas station to get some gas. Then I realized, crap, I forgot my book bag. So I go home to grab it. As I'm grabbing it, Morgan comes out with one of her bags containing her dirty clothes. We go inside and I get my bag, say bye, and leave.

I'm at classes until two, then I have to take my hour's drive home. That particular Monday, Morgan was supposed to follow me to Ft. Madison when I got home so we could drop my car off at the shop and she could take me home.

At 10:30 that morning, my grandma Karen picked up Moe so grandma could renew her drivers license. Knowing grandma, it'd be a while before Morgan got back. Because if you go out with grandma, you've gotta get lunch and go to Walmart or Dollar General. She loves Dollar General, let me tell you. So Morgan is going to be gone a while.

When grandma picked her up, Tiffany was still at home. She had to take baby Kanton to the doctor's later, I think. Or she just wanted to get out of the house.. Idk. Anyways, by the time I got home, just before three, I was home all alone. I brought the mail in and set it on the coffee table, just like I do everyday. Then I went to the bathroom.

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