Holidays... Or whatever.

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Okay.. I get how bad this makes me sound.. Like it makes me sound really bad and heartless.

Who is this heartless bitch that hates Christmas??

Except it's not the day that I hate. It's just pretty much everything about the time around it. I hate the stupid freaking music, so it's weird when I get into it. I mean, sure,  I'll sing along but that doesn't make me like it anymore. Of course, I have a favorite Christmas song. That would have to be Last Christmas by Wham! I just love sad songs. Don't ask because I don't know.

Anyways. I also hate the stupid freaking snow and the stupid freaking cold weather. I hate how my mother decides to always host the dinner at her house so the entire freaking family is there. I hate how I have to clean everything while I'm there, especially since I don't live there anymore.

This is going to make me sound even worse but.. I don't really care for the majority of my family. I'm sorry. I'm a horrible person, I know. It can't be helped. I'm just not a people person and  most of my family is completely rude, self entitled, and stuck up.

There's that.

I don't even like ham. Or bacon.

She's un-American, too!! Oh my God, somebody please help this poor soul!

It's just disgusting. It stinks and it's so greasy. Completely unhealthy and it's all just fat.

I'm sorry.

Changing the subject again, just think of me as the Grinch. That's pretty much me. Christmas is too hyped up. It's made people selfish. I mean, the real meaning of Christmas isn't to get presents. It's Jesus' freaking birthday. Gosh.

It's not just Christmas I don't like..

Ready for it?

I don't really care for Fourth of July, either. The fireworks are overrated and annoying. It's stupid. Not the holiday itself. I understand and appreciate that. I just don't like the fireworks. Too loud.

So yes, that means I don't completely care for New Years, either. I mean.. It's okay. Just.. You know.. Right.

Although, I do have to say that my least favorite holiday is Valentine's Day. No, it's not because I'm perpetually single, it's because the freaking day is just so you spend a whole bunch of money on flowers and chocolate. Dumb. I mean.. Why do we need a day to express love to someone who's special to us? Shouldn't we do that everyday, anyways? We don't need one day to show how much someone means to us. People should express love every single day.

Hallmark created this day so they could make more money.

It's ridiculous.

If we're going on pointless holidays, let's mention St. Patrick's Day. What?

Please, someone tell me the point of it?

Wear green or get pinched. Stupid.

That's crazy. 

Now for Easter.. I actually don't have a problem with Easter. It's nice.

Halloween. Sure getting free candy is okay for this one day, God forbid someone decides to get children candy any other day. I hate the costumes. I don't think it's fun to dress up. I think it's lame. And it sucks. With costumes comes the make up and freaking make up sucks. So.. Yeah..

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Sounds crazy, right? Yet another holiday I have to spend with my freaking family. But the food is so good. Yes, I'm a huge fan of food. You got a problem with that? Didn't think so. But it's not just the food. There's also the football. Yes, I also love football. Sue me.

I especially love my Thanksgiving's down in Oklahoma. I get to spend time with family I hardly ever see, we have the best football rivalry, everyone can cook, we just bask in each other's company. That and the atmosphere in the middle of the country in good ol' Oklahoma is amazing.

And there's that. So.. There's my view of the holidays. Please don't hate me. I know.. I'm an awful person who doesn't like joy or good things. But what are you going to do?

Also, Happy New Years, everyone. Let's see what Life has planned for me this year. Probably more drama with my luck. I swear, my life could be a Soap Opera. It's that bad. If not worse. Anyways.. Adios!

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