My Freaking "Step-Sister".

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Let me just rant a little here..

Or a lot.

I need to let it out.




I am beginning to hate her.

So freaking much.

You don't even understand.

We get along just fine. Never been in a fight.

But I'm getting ready to murder a bitch.

See she's 14. And she was an only child until recently.

So she's pretty spoiled.

Not only spoiled but she's extremely selfish and thinks she's self entitled to everything.

Since I've moved into my Dads, I've had to share a room with her. It wasn't that bad... Until my insomnia started kicking in again. So she wakes me up at 6 in the morning every day by turning on the freaking lights. Then she decides she can throw all of her shit around the room, no matter what it is or how heavy it is. If she needs to talk to her mom, God forbid we go over to the next room and speak quietly. No. We need to freaking shout at the top of our lungs. She also has to rip open the drawers and slam them shut.

As if that didn't annoy me enough. Now she always picks fights with my dad and she bitches about everything. Then she pulls the whole, "Well you never ask Avery to do anything" card. Bull shit. He asks me to do stuff all the time. I just do it when he asks me to and don't start a fight about it. I'm sorry.

Just this weekend Ally decided she wanted to rearrange our room. I was out shopping for cars with Dad, so I wasn't at home for this. Ally doesn't even ask me, she just does it. I get home to find my room completely different and I'm pissed. I may be making a big deal out of this but this just really pisses me off. I had a really stressful day, I'm tired, I want to sleep but no. Now I have to find new places to put all my shit and my OCD slams into me like a freaking freight train and I can't take it. Does Ally care? No. She just freaking laughs at my obvious stress.

Now, today, I went car shopping with Dad again (this time we actually found a car and I'll be getting it tomorrow) and I'm looking for my fragment of parking permit from my last car. Of course I have no idea where that is because Ally decided to rearrange the room. I need that piece of parking permit so I can get a replacement for my new car for one dollar. If I don't find that fragment, I have to pay fifty fucking dollars for a new one. Guess where it is?

Good question. I have no freaking idea. You know what she tells me when I ask?

"Oh I haven't seen it. I don't know where it is." She doesn't even bother to glance up from her phone to look me in the eyes when she says this.

Do you know where it was before the room was all moved around?

Right on top of the dresser. Now it's disappeared.

I have no doubt in my mind that the bitch threw it away. Now I'm going to have to find the trashbag she used to throw everything away in and search through that for my fucking fragment of a parking permit.

As if my stress level weren't high enough.

If I had pulled any of this stuff on her, she would have cried and thrown a giant fit, having a cow in the process. Me? I don't say anything but, believe me, if any of this shit continues I'm going to explode. She will fear my wrath.

I swear my stress level these past few weeks has skyrocketed and is so past the roof. I have headaches everyday that last for at least two hours (normally they last well over nine hours), I can't sleep, and I'm going to kill someone if this stress doesn't deteriorate at least a little.

I really am going to kill Alyssa if anything else like this happens again.

Sorry for the rant and all the cussing. This is what happens when I'm extremely upset. This isn't even the maddest I've ever been.  

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