My place of employment.

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Okay. Yeah. Haha are we ready for a rant? You all buckled up? I'm not actually laughing, FYI. I'm actually groaning and trying not to pull my hair out. And I just got a headache.

Anyways. So I told you how I applied for assistant manager at Starbucks where I work? Yeah. Ugh.

So I work at the his place called Hy-Vee. It's pretty much a grocery store. I mean it is one, but we've got a bakery and a whole meat section where they'll cut meats for you or whatever, a deli, a restaurant, Chinese food, Italian food, and a kitchen, on top of Starbucks and a huge section for "wine and spirits". Oh. We just got a sushi maker too. So. Yeah. It's kinda a big place? Mostly in the states of Iowa, and Nebraska. A few in Illinois and Kansas or Missouri I think. I dunno.

Anyways. I work in produce for the most part. Occasionally Starbucks, when Patrick (produce manager) wants to share me. Which he doesn't really want to often.

So, after the last assistant manager quit, I feel like I stepped up a lot. Like, I don't work full time and I was pulling at least three hours of overtime. I was scheduled for at least forty hours the week of the funeral but still ended up working thirty that week, even though I took three or four days off.

I would work at produce then help out with Starbucks. On top of pulling extra shifts from people calling off. Which I do a lot, too. Wanna take a guess at how many times I've called off?

Not once. In over a year of working. I can't even remember asking anyone to switch a shift with me. They always ask me to cover the their shift saying they'll take one of mine but I'm like nah, it's fine.

I'm a hard worker and I'm a good worker. I'm not bragging, just coming to that conclusion because not even two months after I started people wanted me to work in their departments, too. I had at least three people ask me. Hence how I started Starbucks.

I can work in like half that store. I can cashier, work produce, wine and spirits, Starbucks, courtesy, general merchandise. I could probably work in any of the food stations and the cafe. And that's the entire store, really. But anyways.

Brad found out I applied for Starbucks assistant manager and he told me that they really need someone like me over there. Cindy wanted me to be her assistant manager. Like she was all for it. Patrick said he'd miss me in produce but that he thought I should go for it and he'd put in a good word for me.

I waited like two weeks to hear back about the assistant manager job. Then I asked Chad, the store director, how it was coming along (which apparently was a bad idea). He told me he had a list of names and they were getting ready to start interviews.

Now, at Hy-Vee, everyone who applies is supposed to get an interview. But I still didn't hear back. Until a few weeks later when in working produce. Brad sees me and asks if he can talk to me.

My first thought was I was in trouble. I wasn't. So he takes me to the scanning room and we sit down. He then tells me that they decided not to interview me, he was outvoted and strongly disagreed with the others. Patrick said nothing but good things about me, he said. Cindy later told me, during my break, that she had heard rumors about that and told them they need to reconsider and she strongly disagrees with them.

Their reasoning for not even giving me an interview? I lack leadership skills, they think.

Yup. They THINK. They don't have any proof or anything, they just think it. Simply because I don't just openly talk to everybody that works there.

So, if I lack leadership skills, WHY DO YOU HAVE ME TRAIN PEOPLE?! Like seriously. I think you need leadership skills to train people. I've even trained people in Starbucks, even though I've only worked there, all together, for like two and a half months. Even if I started back in march, I hardly ever work Starbucks.

And the lady who got the job? She fucking calls off all the time. She leaves work early all the time. When she is at work, she isn't in Starbucks. She just disappears. Doesn't even tell anyone where she's going. Usually, it's the kitchen because she worked there before getting assistant manager.

We had a call off the other night and Cindy asked her to stay until seven or eight with Jacob. Even though Carrie was scheduled to leave at six, she's the assistant manager. It's part of the job to come in when someone calls off. Or come in earlier. Or leave later. I had gotten called to check. So Jacob comes up to me while I'm checking and asks me to go to Starbucks when I'm done so he can get the pasties from the freezer. Why? Because Carrie decided to completely disregard Cindy's request. So I got to work Starbucks for over an hour, when I'm supposed to be working produce, after I was checking for at least half an hour.

Carrie has even left early before, calling Demery in early and wanting her to work THIRTEEN hours that day, because... wait for the reason.. SHE WAS FUCKING HUNGOVER.


So I left produce that night to help at Starbucks so Demery could leave at eight hours and helped train Jacob.

But, hey, I don't have any leadership skills.

I've even applied for three other assistant manager jobs there. Not a single word. Not even an acknowledgment.

I'm sorry, but I'm getting ready to quit. I'm like the best worker they have, or one of the best workers they have, if they keep it up they're gonna realize that when I'm gone. Which will be too late.

So. Sorry for my rant lol  

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