My hair and skin care routine(s)

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OKAY! So this isn't a rant or really anything I get questions on here. I get questions or comments on this in my day to day life, though, so I just wanna share.

That's the most recent picture I have of me

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That's the most recent picture I have of me. (Taken towards the end of May). Sorry. Its a good picture lol my skin is glowing. Okay. Done admiring it.

As you can see, my hair is pretty long. Its taken like five and a half years to grow. But thought I'd share with all of you things I do to maintain it. (We're starting with hair)

Before I shower, I brush my hair. I typically wash it every other day, only shampooing my scalp. (Apparently shampoo really dries out the ends and I HAVE noticed an improvement in the six or seven months I've been doing this). Then I condition the ends, right up to about my ear level. I try to avoid getting conditoner on my scalp, but sometimes I'll get a bit on there when running my fingers through my hair as I'm detangling before rinsing the conditioner. I leave the conditioner in a while, brushing my teeth and/or shaving before rinsing. And about every other time I shower I use a hair mask (just things I buy at Wal-Mart, really) right now its usually Garnier Whole Blends Honey Treasures or something along those lines.

After my shower, I squeeze out the water with my hands amd wrap it in a towel. (I hear a t-shirt is better to prevent frizz but have not tried. I'll inform you after a few tries if this is true or not) I leave it in the towel as long as possible before brushing.

Before brushing I put some oils in my hair, right on the ends and work my way up to about ear level. The oils I use are argan oil of Morocco and Mårråkësh oil (argan and hemp oil) I usually squeeze just a bit in my palms amd rub them together before applying to my hair.

And then I brush my hair. I use just a regular brush (even though its really not great for wet hair and can cause breakage so I should use a wide tooth comb but I'm broke so I'll work on it). And that's my pretty much normal hair care routine.

Sometimes, if I don't feel like washing it (don't judge me!!) I'll use Aussie dry shampoo (it smells so good) on my scalp.

The shampoo and conditoner I live by is the Garnier Whole Blends. I love them. Tried pretty much every type and the only one I'm not completely fond of is the coconut water and aloe Vera shampoo.

Sometimes, I'll saturate my hair with coconut oil (focusing on the ends) and leave it in over night before washing it the next day. 

I also make a hair mask with coconut oil, olive oil, honey, and an egg every once in a while. If you've got coconut oil that's not liquid, just put it in the microwave for like 10-15 seconds. Be careful because it gets HOT. Then leave that mixture in for at least half an hour before washing like usual.

When brushing my hair (for anything!!) I START FROM THE ENDS AND WORK MY WAY UP GRADUALLY. It helps a lot with tangles AND breakage. I've also got a sensitive head so I KNOW that this works for me. 

Now for my skin care routine! (Its actually pretty simple so..) I guess it helps that I have pretty good skin to begin with (sorry, I'm not trying to brag) but what I pretty much do is wash it when I take showers. I really like Bioré charcoal wash. I also have a Vasanti(?) Purifying wash that makes my skin feel pretty soft. I wash my face first thing in the shower then I rinse it with cold wather just before I get out.

Before I put makeup on or brush my hair I use one pump of bareMinerals skin longevity serum (it came with an ipsy and I really enjoy it). The bottle says to use two pumps but trust me, one is definitely enough for your face. Sometimes, if I haven't showered, I'll put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and wipe it over my face (it does smell strong and burn by the eye area) but I don't do it often because alcohol is drying. It does help with oily skin, though.

When I take my makeup off, I've been dunking a cotton ball in eother coconut oil or vaseline then rubbing some in underneath my eyes. I've actually noticed my eye bags have disappeared or are way less noticeable so that's nice.

Occasionally, I mix honey and cinnamon then put on my face, leaving on for about fifteen minutes before rinsing. Leaves your skin super soft!

That's really all I do for my skin care. Also, if you haven't noticed, I'm a little obsessed with coconut oil. I love it. You can use it for pretty much anything. I sometimes put it on my legs after shaving, too and it makes them nice and soft.

So yeah. Thanks for taking the time to read this! If you have any tips, let me know! I'm down to learn more!

I also want to put out a disclaimer that just because this works for me doesnt necessarily mean it will work for everyone because everyone is different. But if you do try it, lemme know what you think regardless of whether it works or not!!!

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