One Direction Love-in their World

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Louis' POV


Stuck in England is what i was.

I felt miserable as i sulked down the rainy road my the Thames river.

Jannice and Lily were coming back from America today-on this freezing January day.

I hugged my arms to my chest.

Eleanor was dead, Zayn and Perrie were...somewhere out there, Liam and Harry were at the house, and Niall was somewhere out with his girlfriend Samantha.

i could barely keep up with these boys anymore.

I think Harry was married?

Yeah, to Lily.  It'd been so long since we'd seen the girls, though.

Jannice and Lily were 'sisters' and my 'daughters' and the last time i'd seen them was right after a camping trip we took them on when they were 17.  That was two years a go.

And Paul had made us and the guys sign a contract that we'd disband after Lily-who was a few months younger than Jan-turned 18.  That was a whole year ago, and unfortunetely the girls weren't here when the band broke-up.

i pulled my hood over my head as i scrambled through a puddle by Big Ben.

"Sh*t" i muttered as i felt the stinging cold water seep into my converse.

I should've taken Liam's advice and wore boots.

This whole life of mine was upside down.

My wife had been murdered, my daughters had left temporarily, Zayn had disapeared with his wife Perrie Malik, and Niall had lost his virginity to his current girlfriend Sam.

i felt like screaming at him when i heard the news.

Niall had been innocent.

The only innocent person left that was One Direction.

But now he'd lost it..

And gotten a few tattoos.

i squeezed my eyes shut tight to hold back the tears that were nagging at me to escape.

i couldn't let my girls see me with a tear-stained face.

i tried to shake the thoughts of my past out of my head, but the word i'd thought of for days kept bugging me: Suicide.

I put my arms around my head to try to block out that word, but it just wouldn't go away.

I really didn't want the girls to know what I was planning to do to myself, because they'd find out, anyway.

Also, before I did anything drastic, I wanted to hang out with them, and get some of my last days to be the best days of my life.

I walked into the air-port with my feet sagging, a little.


My attention snapped up, and the word immediately fled as two tall girl-who I barely recognized-ran up and attacked me with hugs and kisses.

"Lily, Jannice" I grinned hugging them both.

This was the first time I noticed...they were actually...growing up.

Still another disappointment, for some reason or another.

"We missed you so frickin' much!"  Jan beamed clinging onto my striped shirt.

"I missed you, too" he gazed into her bright green eyes as little thunder rumbles ran through the port.

"did Harry come with you?"  Lily looked hopefully at him.

"No, Love, sorry" I shrugged.  "He couldn't"

"That's ok" she gave me a reassuring smile.

"You look so much older"  Jannice traced her fingers around my chest.

"Yeah, well, I'm 27, now" I tugged on the strap of my jumpers nervously.

Maybe suicide wasn't the best option?  But still...

I felt both girls' fingers rub the stubby whiskers on my chin, as well.

"Let's get you two home" I shook my head and pulled away.  "We've got to walk all the way across London and it's raining sick out there."


I held their hands tightly as we crossed street after street and walked through puddle after puddle.

"You look a little sad..."  Lily pressed herself into my arm.

"What?"  I said nervously.

Did she know?

"Yeah"  Jannice agreed.  "Your eyes are drooping a little and you've gotten little tear welled up around your eyes!"

"Tears?" I repeated laughing nervously a little while wiping my eyes.

Both girls nodded.

"Are you OK?"  Lily asked me.

"Perfectly fine" I grinned.  "Just getting to see you two again made me...emotional."

It was half true...

I was getting a little TOO emotional because I knew this was the last time I'd pick them up from an airport...atleast that was the plan.

I knew Jannice would get really mad if I killed myself...and cry a lot.  She'd already been through so much.

And Lily had trusted me like her real father...

Why was it so hard to get off my mind?!

I sharply shook my head and clutched my girls as I hurriedly rushed them along the Thames river and up to our house.

One Direction Love-in their World (Book 8 of 8)Where stories live. Discover now