Chapter 4

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Louis' POV


"DADDY!  DADDY!  DADDY!!!!!!!!"

"Mmmmmm?"  I popped my eyes open the next morning as two hyper girl-my girls-started bounding on my bed ferociously.

"Wake, up!"  Lily cried tugging my arm.

I groaned and grabbed it in deep pain.

She had grabbed right where the cuts were.   I had to hide them somehow...

I pulled it under the sheets.

"Please get up?"  Jan begged gazing into my eyes.

"Why?" I groaned sleepily.

Both girls were now crawling on me.

I clutched my sheets tightly as I was swarmed in hugs.

"Because we love you"  Lily kissed me softly.

I froze.  She loved me.

"Lily" I smiled wearily up at her.  "I swear if Harry and you weren't together I'd ask you out."

She laughed.  "Well we are together and you're just my 'daddy'."

Just?  That word disturbed me.  Just?  It made it sound like if I was 'just' her daddy I wasn't that important.

I didn't know she just meant it that way-that she meant it in a way where since I was her daddy I couldn't take her out on a boyfriend/girlfriend date.

"You ok, Daddy?"  Jannice asked.

"Yeah" I put a hand on hers.

The hand on the opposite one than the one I'd torn up the night before.

Still, my arm was sore.  Very sore.  Somepoint, I'd have to check and see if what I carved was still there.

In a way, I wished it was.  I just had to be careful to keep a shirt on (which was hard to do in a family that went swimming all the time and who didn't mind me walking around the house in my underwear)

"So what are we going to do once I'm up?" I asked.

"I'm going to the coffee shop to work on some research for a paper I'm writing for college"  Jannice smiled.

"And me and Harry are going to go for a walk around London."  Lily smiled.

"And what's Niall up to?" I wondered.

Maybe he could spend time with me?

"He and Samantha are hanging out at the country club's clubhouse"  Jannice said in a low voice.  "They're having some kind of pary?"

Oh.  Even he was gone?  Deep down inside, I was hurt.

"And Liam?" I asked.

"He's already at the café doing his work"  Lily replied.

No one had time to spend with me.  No one.

They'd just gotten back from America, and I really wanted to spend my last days with them.

The little days I have left.

Very little.

What happened to my little girls always making time for me?  What happened to Harry and Liam spending time with me?  Why did Eleanor have to be murdered?  Why why why why why?!?!?!?!

Before Lily and Jannice got so involved with their guys life was more fun for me. 

"Well, run along" I swatted them off my bed.  "I have to change real fast."

After they left, I escaped to the bathroom and carved something into my other arm: Worthless.  Which was exactly how I felt right now.

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