Chapter 14

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Jannice's POV


I couldn't wait to conquer a roller coaster as soon as Harry pulled us into the familiar theme park.

"We're here!"  Liam-who was sitting in the passenger seat-announced.

Everyone was chatty as we walked into the huge iron gate.

"What are you going to ride first?"

"Now how fast does that go?"

"Is it free"

"Doesn't matter"

"Let's eat first, I'm starving!"

Yep, I'm sure all eyes were on our crazy group of pure chaos.

I clutched my PureNRG purse to my side as we all talked in the line up to the picture booth.

"Liam?" I whined.  "Why do we have to get our picture taken?"

"So we can get past security" he smiled.

"Ooh, why do they have security?"

"So no one brings weapons into the park" he shrugged.

I watched Harry give his cheeky smile to the camera, then Lily.  Niall cast a little shy grin, and Sam flashed a happy beam.

After her was Liam.  He turned his lips upward and gave a perfect smile.  The one I'd fallen in love with.  The SAME smile I used to hate and despise.

Then I was my turn.  I didn't know what to do, so I just grinned like I always did for a camera.  Even if I spotted a paparazzi, I smile and laugh before saying 'HA!  Won't get much money off that pic!"

I used to only give a straight face before I got Liam.  All my smiles were awkwardly forced.

I grabbed my new ID card and raced to catch up with the others at security.  Everyone made it through, except the occasional cell phone and camcorder had to be checked out.

"So how are we going to split up?"  Harry asked once we were standing by the directory.

"Well, I want to ride the roller coasters" I crossed my arms.

"I want to ride the Superman ride"  Lily smiled.

"I'll go to roller coasters"  Liam shrugged.  "I'm fine about drops and loops."

"I'll stick with Lily"  Harry put an arm around her.

"What about you two?" we looked at Nialler and Sam.

"We could get something to eat?"  Niall suggested.

"Hehe, sure"  Sam nodded.  "I'll come with you."

"Ok, meet back here in two hours"  Harry instructed.

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