Chapter 6

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Louis' POV


No one was around, anyway, and no one wanted me around.

This was it-it was time. 

I took a deep breath and went to the kitchen.  I almost couldn't believe what I was about to do.

I opened the silverware drawer and ran my fingers along the forks and spoons until they fell on the knives.

The knives...

I picked one out that had a little bit of a different design on it.

Jannice and Lily always loved that one, so I thought it'd fit.

I took off my shirt and jumpers so I was standing in my boxers.  Then I grabbed a paper and pin.

Dear Lily, Jannie, Harry, Liam, and Niall,

     I'm sorry I killed myself, but I am obviously NOT wanted in your family.  I don't feel important anymore and no one wants to hook up with me.  I know my decision may come across alarming, but please excuse it!!!  Even though you may not love me, I will always love you all.  Again, please excuse my decision!  And please forget about me...

Lots of Love,

Louis Tomlinson XOXOXOXOXO

I read it over and over before slipping it on the counter in front of the TV.  A few tears slipped down my cheek as I raised up the knife to my heart.

Quickly, I drove it through my body.

Everything turned black, and I blanked out...for good.

Jannice's POV


After we ate at the diner, we all sort of fell asleep on each other in one of the booths.  It wasn't until the next morning, that I woke up to be surrounded by the British council.  The POLICE.

Liam and Harry were already sitting up and wiping their eyes.

"What happened?"  Harry demanded to them.  "Are we in trouble?"

"We don't know yet" the lead one crossed his arms.  "Do you all live with Tomlinson?  Louis Tomlinson?"

"Y-yeah"  Liam cocked his head.  "Why?'

"We found him dead in your house laying in a pool of blood"

"LOUIS?!" I cried.  "DEAD?!"

"Yes, Miss"

"NO!!"  I buried my face in Liam's chest and started crying.

Lily started crying, too.  "Not Daddy!"

"But why are you here?"  Harry asked rocking Lily and shedding tears, himself.

"We have to make sure you ALL had nothing to do with this, so we're taking you in" he jingled a pair of cuffs.

I clutched Liam's shirt tightly and started sobbing-as was he, Harry, and Lily.

It didn't help when the police ripped me away from Liam and handcuffed me to his own wrist so I couldn't escape.

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