Chapter 7

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Lily's POV


Harry and I were in a cell next to Jan and Liam.

I clung onto Harry tightly as he gripped my hand.

"Atleast we're in the same cell" he whispered hoarsely with a sad face.

I nodded and sniffed up the tears that had fallen in my nose.  "Why did Louis kill himself?"

My husband turned away so not to face me.  I know he was about the cry.

"I feel like it was my fault" he admitted.


"He and I always held a little grudge against each other..."

"But Larry Stylinson" I argued, before he interrupted me.

"That was something management made us do." he looked down.  "I'm sorry about all the fights he and I got in to"

"" I asked slowly.

He didn't answer.  He just hugged his knees and put his chin on his arms.

I rubbed his shoulder.  "I'm sure that wasn't it, Hazza Bear."

"I'm sure it was..."

"No"  I hugged him.

He didn't hug back.  I watched as a couple tears fell from his eyes and soaked into his shirt sleeve.

At that, I just left it.  He wasn't answering back, anyway.

Jannice's POV


I was still sobbing.  I didn't think he'd kill himself.  He'd never said a thing about it!  And he told me EVERYTHING!

This hurt.

I started crying more.

"Shhh"  Liam tried to give me a sad smile.

I pushed him away and went to the edge of the cell where I hugged my knees to my chest and wept.

"He was my 'daddy'" I choked out before crying even harder.

Liam crawled over to me and put his hand on my arm.  "I'm sorry, Jan"

I buried my face in my knees.  "It's not fair, Liam."

"What isn't?" he cocked his head.

"He promised" I whispered.  "He promised he would never leave Lily and I"

"But he also said all part of love is losing it"

"But this is different" I argued.

"No it's not" he kissed my cheek.

"Yes it is" I looked the other way.  "I guess he was planning this all along?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he made Harry our new 'daddy'" I replied knowingly.

Liam was silent.

"Did you know anything about it?" I asked.

"I swear I knew nothing" he shook his head.  "You know I would've told you and Lily if he'd said a word."

"Did you know anything, Harry?"  I strained to see in the next door cell, but failed.

Harry reached over the cement and held my hand.  "No, Love"

"Everything is going to be upside-down, now" I squeezed his hand.  "We're stuck in prison, Harry's our 'daddy,' and I...I might...kill myself, too"


i shivered at the shock everyone had.

"Why?"  Lily asked softly.

"Because Lou did..."

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