Chapter 5

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Jannice's POV


I sat in Starbucks-my favourite coffee shop and stared blankly at my computer laptop.

Why was I stuck?

Why couldn't I think up a topic?

People must've thought I was an idiot staring at a screen with no explanation.

That's when it happened.

A little notification popped up on my Twitter saying a new tweet by Louis had popped up.


I didn't know he even tweeted anymore-I thought he'd given it up ages before.

I clicked on it a little nervously and stared blankly at it.

Louis Tomlinson: I'm almost DONE #WorthlessAndForgotten

I caught my breath.



Then I remembered.  He'd mentioned doing a few chores.  He probably meant that.

Boy was I wrong.

But that's when a topic came to mind and a huge smile grew on my face.  'The power of words' would be an awesome idea!  How lying and stuff can be so affective on others.

I looked outside at the dark sky.  Rain still clung to the clouds-refusing to fall.

I got off of Twitter and went on to word.  This was an awesome idea!

Lily's POV


I held Harry's hand tightly as the wind chilled my spine.

"It looks like rain!" I observed.

"Still the clouds are dark!"  Harry smiled putting an arm around me.

I grinned.  "Love ya, Hazza Bear!"

"Love ya more Lily Boo" he squeezed me tightly.

"Love you more" I bumped my hip on his.

I giggled as he almost fell off balance.  "Nah, I love you more, and what the blank was that for?"

I busted out laughing.  "Sorry!"

He chuckled.  "It's all good, Lily Boo"

I adored it when he called me that!

I felt something splat on my head and looked up.

"It's raining" I said flatly as a little rumble of thunder groaned through the sky. 

"Yep" he shrugged as it started raining in thin sheets.  "Let's run to the diner to wait it out."

Liam's POV


I started wiping off a table.  The day was pretty busy in costumers, today!  We almost had a full house.

And I was fulfilling my dream to work at a diner...and I'd gotten over my fear of spoons(finally).


I looked up as the bell on the door tinkled lightly.

"Jannice" I smiled holding out my arms.  "I wasn't expecting you"

She ran up and hugged me.

"It started raining so I left the coffee shop and decided to stop in"

"You're always welcome to do that" i picked her up and carried her back into the kitchen.

Jannice's POV


"I don't wanna interrupt your work"  I said as he set me down beside one of the stainless steel sinks.

"Nonsense!" he kissed me quickly.

"So how's your day?" I wondered cocking my head.

"Pretty epic" he wiped some sweat off his head.

"You look exhausted"  I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little ruffled" he shot me a smile.

"Heyyy, guys!"

We both turned as Lily and Harry walked in with hair plastered to their faces.

"Hi Lily, Harry!" I greeted.

"Hi"  Liam smiled.

"We got caught in the rain"  Harry explained grabbing a towel.

"Same" I shrugged as he wrung out his hair.

"So what should we do?"  Lily asked.

"Well, we ARE in the KITCHEN"  Liam smiled.  "Anyone up for dinner here?"

"Let's call Lou to come, too" I suggested.

"OK!"  Lily pulled out her phone.

Lily's POV


I dialed in his number and waited patiently while it ringed.

I let out a sigh as he didn't answer.

"He didn't answer" I said. "I'll call again"

I called five times but he still never answered.  Finally, I left a message.

"You know, he probably found a girl"  Liam said.  "He never answers when he's out somewhere"

Noone's POV


But oh, he wasn't out anywhere.  He was-in fact-at home.

But there was a good reason why he didn't answer.

Not really a GOOD reason...

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