Chapter 12

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Jannice's POV


"Who wants to go swimming?!"

  This was the first thing I heard the next morning and it caught me off guard.

"Harry" I groaned sleepily drinking my morning tea.  "Please, not today.  It's winter and I am NOT going swimming"

"Me neither"  Lily agreed drinking her coffee.

I yawned.

"Indoor swimming" he smiled.

"Seriously?"  Liam cocked his head.

"What do you guys say?"  Harry squirmed excitedly.

"I'm game if you are?" I turned to Lily.

"I'm in" she shrugged.  "May as well"

"I'll call Samantha to come, too!"  Niall shouted throwing down out bathing suits from upstairs.

They all cam floating down like huge butterflies.

"NIALL,  YOU MEANIE HEAD!" i yelled running to get my bikini off the floor. 

"Sorry" he smiled cheekily.

"Girls, go change"  Harry instructed.  "The indoor water-park awaits us!"

Niall's POV


I gripped Sam's hand tightly as we all walked up to the HUGE building.  I'd never been here before and didn't recall seeing it through the buses I took everyday.  In fact, I never knew stuff like this existed!

"You OK, Niall?"  Sam laughed.

"Yeah" I smiled with a blush.  "I'm brilliant"

"Ya sure?" she cracked a grin. 

"Positive" I squeezed her hand with a forced grin and went on.

Harry's POV


"Ey, Bro" 

I stopped following the girls to the water-slide when we'd just stepped inside and turned to see Liam.

"Sup?" I cocked my head.

His eyes glittered with joy.  "I got it!"

"Got what?" I asked.

"The THING" he winked patting his shoulder bag.

"Ooh!" I cried. "LIAM!"

He cast me a smirk.

"You, Nut!  You're going to ask her at the pool?!" I cried shaking his shoulders violently.

"Why not?" he frowned.  "I'm going to do it to ourselves, of 'course"

"I know" I shrugged.  "It's quite odd, though."

"Yeah, I know" he scratched his head.  "But I want to go ahead and do it..."

"Fine by me, Bro" I shrugged again.  "Well, gonna go down the water-slide with Lily, now.  Cheers!"

"Tell Jannice to meet me by the tubes" he pointed to the wall which was inundated with water-tubes.

"Fine" he smiled.

Jannice's POV


Lily and I had just gone down the ling three story slide together in a water-tube and flew out the end laughing as water saturated us.

"Wow!" my sister laughed pushing her drenched hair from her face.  "That was extrordiHARRY"

I wiped the water dripping off my nose away and smiled.  "It was brilLIAM!"

"Hey" she looked over my shoulder.  "Here comes Harry!"

"I ain't falling for that" I stuck out my tongue.

"Hey, Girls!"

"Told you"  Lily muttered.

"Hi, Daddy!" I greeted.

"Liam said to meet him by the tubes" he jerked his thumb behind him.

"Why?" I cocked my head.

"Sworn to secrecy" he smiled reaching down to fish us out.

He pulled the tube over to the edge.  "In the mean time, Lily Boo, we're going down the slide together"

I climbed out of the water-followed by Lily-and shook off a little before running past Niall and Sam to the tube area by the lazy river where Liam stood patiently waiting.

"Hey, Liam" I smiled nervously.

Did he want to break up?

I started getting really scared.

"Love" he hugged me tightly.  "How long have we been together?"

I wrapped my arms around him.  "Two years"

His lips crashed on mine which sent great relief down to my heart.

He stayed hooked for three seconds before pulling away and putting his big hands on my shoulders.

"You're right-two whole years.  And you're almost 20, Love"

I nodded slowly.

He reached into his shoulder bag and fished out a small box.  He held it out to me and brought one of my hands to his chest.

I opened it slowly and stared speechless at the sparkly diamond ring.  My heart started racing and a tear sprang to my eye.

"Jannice, will you marry me?" he squeezed my hand.

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