Chapter 10

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Liam's POV


Niall, Harry, Lily, and I sat in the hospital waiting room silently waiting.  This had to be the worst moment of my life.

Harry was humming silently and playing a song on his phone, and Lily was clutching his arm tightly.

Niall was on his phone, as well-probably snap-chatting Sammy.

I just sat there looking around...waiting.

Was she going to be ok?

Was this my fault for pushing her to hard?

"Liam Payne?"

I stood up quickly as a blonde nurse walked in.  She was quite pretty, but that I ignored.

"Yeah?" I asked-my eyes widening.

This was it....the news...

"You came with Jannice, right?" she asked.

"Um, yeah, we all did" i pointed at the others who were looking expectantly at the young nurse.

"Is she ok?"  Niall asked.

"Well..." she paused.  "I've got some good new and some bad news.  Which do you want first?"

"Good" i said quickly.

"She's not dead and is going to live" she cast a weak smile.

"OMIGOSH, YESSSS!" i grabbed Niall by the hands and swung him around in a circle.

Don't ask why, i'm just like that-really random.

"But the bad news is" she gave us a serious look.  "It looks like she almost drowned, so she has slight brain damage..."

i let go of Niall and froze.  "And that means..?"

"And that means we're going to work on it over-night and she should be fine to-marrow"

"Ok, brilliant, just do whatever" i smiled widely.

"It's not that simple..." she played with her fingers carelessly.  "It's a risky opperation and if it fails...she...dies"

She looked down sadly.

"Are you serious?"  Harry shook his head unbelievably. 

"Yeah, i'm very sorry" she nodded slightly.  "But i assure you we will do our best."

"We trust you"  i shrugged.  "Just do what you can.  Can we see her?"

"To-marrow" she assured me.  "If she's still alive, then yes"

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