Chapter 11

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Liam's POV


I got a call from the hospital the next morning that they were open and we could all go see Jannice.  I rushed everyone through breakfast and to get dressed until we could finally get out the door-which took awhile.

We tore into the hospital and I ran up to the counter.

"How may I help you?"  the man sitting there asked.

He reminded me quite a lot like Austin Mahone.

"We're here to see Jannice Blewdard" I replied.

"Let me check" he stood up and went into a singing door to the hall of rooms. 

I saw through the window as he talked to the pretty nurse that helped us yesterday.

Then she came through with the man following and approached our party with a bright smile.

"I remember you guys from last-night!" she exclaimed.  "I'm happy to say the operation went successfully!"

I let out a sigh of relief.  "Can we see her, or what?"

"She's still recovering, but i'll let you guys see her one at a time so the shock doesn't overwhelm her."

"Liam can go first"  Lily said brightly.

"Ok" she nodded.  "You guys can all follow me."

She lead us through the hall up to room A8 and paused in front of it.  "Liam you can go on in there for 5 minutes then someone else can go."

"Why just 5?" I asked puzzled.

"Because I don't want to overwhelm her" the nurse explained.  "If she does good i'll let her go home"

"Ok, whatever" I shrugged opening the door to her room.

I walked over to her hospital bed and paused.  A bandage was around her head and one around her shoulder, too.

"Jannie, Love, how are you?"  I knelt down by her bed and gazed at her closed eyes.

"L-liam?"  her eyes fluttered open and she looked up widely at me.  "I-I'm alive?"

"Of course, Love"  I smiled setting a hand on her wrist.  "You just had an unfortunate accident"

"But you don't get it..." I trailed off.

"Get what, Princess?"

"I tried to drown myself.  It's not my first time attempting suicide... I think I'm terrible at it!!"

"Why did you attempt suicide?"  I asked putting my hand on her cheek.

I obviously wasn't going to get mad at her.  I would never make her feel bad about her feelings she had...even if I hated the fact she was even think about killing herself.

"Because of Louis..."  a tear hit her eyes.

I leaned over and kissed it away, then held her hand.  "Promise me you won't attempt that again?"

"I...I promise" she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Cheer up!"  I coaxed with a beam.  "The nurse says you can come home today if you feel good enough!"

"Really?" she popped her eyes open.  "I'm just a little sore, but that's it!"

"Yeah" I smiled.  "You seem like yourself, mostly.  I think they'll let you out"

"I feel like I'm back in prison!" she teased.

"Not sure this is worse or better" I scratched my head.  "Well, the others are coming in, too, but only one at a time."

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