Chapter 2

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Harry's POV


I heard the door creak open and turned my face from the TV.

immediately, I saw my shivering wife clutching on to Louis and gave her a bright smile.  She'd really grown and looked amazing-even though her hair was plastered to her face.

"Lily!" I stood up at ran over to her with open arms.

"HARRY!!!!"  she threw her arms around me, and I scooped her up while pressing my lips on hers.

"I missed you so frickin' much!" she wrapped her arms around my neck as I swung her around.

"I missed you, too" I kissed her nose and gave her a huge grin.

I kept holding her and let her sit on my hips while I looked over her.  "Wow, Lily, you look brilliant!"

"You do, too, Hazza Bear!" she answered.

"And you've grown a lot, too" I nodded at Jannice to let her know I knew her presence.

"Harry" she smiled hugging me.  "Missed you"

i put my free arm around her quickly.  "Back"

"But where's Liam?" she let me go.

"I don't know" I shrugged.  "I think he's in his room."

"And where might that be?" she cocked her head.

Oh, yeah...that's right.  Her and Lily had never been in this house before.

"I'll show you"  Louis smiled grabbed her hand and pulling her off.

Jannice's POV


Louis pushed me into a room I'd never been in before in my whole life.  immediately, I saw my boyfriend curled up in a tight ball on the bed reading.

"Liam?" I smiled.

He looked up and his eyes grew.

"Jannice!" he jumped up and threw his arms around me.

I giggled as he swung me around in a circle.

"I missed you so frickin' much!!" I grinned.

He pressed his lips on mine tightly with wide, big, brown eyes and a huge smile on his mouth.

"I missed you, too" he pulled apart.  "What have you been up to?"

"Well, we basically just got back from the air-port" I shrugged.  "Lily met me in Virginia so we could fly the rest of the way together."

"That's nice" he smiled.  "I'm glad you two have been friends for this long"

I nodded.  "Yeah, me, too.  I would be dead without her. She's stopped me from suicide multiple times"

"Thank God" he smiled weakly.  "I'm so glad you're over that"

"Yeah" I smiled at my feet.

But...I didn't know what my cousin was planning. 

I didn't know what he would soon do would change my life in a terrible way...

That it may be the end of my own life, too...

That it would  'cause permanent damage...

My eyes wondered to my suit-case which lay on the floor.  In it was my razor...but my smile grew, as I'd given up cutting.

Who needed it?

Lily's POV


Harry carried me into the kitchen and set me down on the counter.

"So, Lily Boo, I was thinking soon we should get our own house, what do you think?"

"Really?" I started bobbing with excitement.

He nodded-his dimples deepening.

"That'd be...brilliant!" I tried to copy the speech of my husband and my friends.

He laughed cheekily.  "Lily, you're so cute!"

I put my hands in his curls as his rapped his muscular arms around me.

"Harry, I love you" I pressed my face in his neck.

On my chest, I could feel his heart pounding.

"Lily, I love you, too" he stroked my head.

We pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes.

"Hazza Bear?" I put my hands on his shoulders.


"When we move, can we live close to Louis?"

He caressed my cheek.  "Of course, Babe"

I didn't know Lou was planning to leave us.  I wouldn't have thought he would.

After all, he HAD promised me and my sister to never leave us. 

I never thought he'd break a promise.

Not our Daddy. 

Atleast I didn't think so?

Jannice's POV


Liam and I rambled on and on for like 2 hours talking about life.  I told him how I was doing in gymnastics and my acting class.

How this guy had tried to kiss me, but I didn't let him.

How I caught the cupcakes for my school's back-sale on fire.

How Peter got a job.

and everything else!

He told me a lot, too.

How Niall had lost his virginity to Sam.

How hard it'd been for the band to break up.

 How directioners all over the neighborhood protested it.

And how nasty tweets had flooded his Connect box.  (I had to hug him for that part)

Basically, we started the evening by dancing to the radio (along with Louis, Harry, and Lily) for hours because we couldn't think of anything else to do.

Songs like Story of my Life, New Politics, Counting Stars, Applause, and Magic were on.   Then we ate pizza and watched Toy Story3.  Harry fed Lily most of hers (awwww)

and Liam made sure I had no pizza sauce on my face.  It was so cute how he'd wipe it off with his finger.

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