Chapter 8

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Harry's POV


I held Lily and Jan's hands tightly, but clutched on to Lily.

My arm was getting cut against the cement it was rubbing on that i was holding Jan's.  I didn't really care, though.  i just wanted the other half of the Larry bromance  to make a come-back.

"Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Lily Styles, and Jannice Blewdard?"

I looked up and let go of both girl's hands.

"Yeah?" i asked softly putting my hand on Lily's thigh.

If he was thinking of separating the two of us, he was WRONG.

"Is this Louis William Tomlinson-the one YOU know?"

He haphazardly threw the body of, yes, Louis' delicate body down on the cold floor.  Both girls started crying harder, but I just stared in disbelief as the hardly recognizable body of my ex-band mate.  He was saturated in blood and his hair was tasseled in the messiest ways.

"Louis..." I whispered.

"So you do-in fact-no this man?"  the British Console asked.

"Y-yes, we know him" I squeezed my eyes shut.  "But we have nothing to do with his kill"

Another police man walked in holding a little envelope.  "Sir, we found this note with the suicide's signature."

The first Console snatched it from him and ripped it open.  I saw his iris's move while reading it, before Jannice's voice yelled.


"excuse me, Miss?"  the man asked.

"It's a note from my father" she scowled.  "I think I should be permitted to read it?"

He shrugged and handed it over to her before walking over to me.  "I need to discus the scenario with the judge, and we'll let you all out to-marrow, ok?"

I nodded.  "Fine"

"I'm sorry all this happened" he shook his head and walked away to check on some argument going on down the row of jails.

I jumped as Jannice started crying like everything.

"What is it?"  Lily asked.

"He said-" she tried to gather herself.  "He said he didn't mean much to you and I and that he didn't feel important..."

"WHAT?!"  Lily cried.

I put an arm around her for comfort.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!  she went on.  "We loved him so much!!"

I heard Jannice sit down on the un-swept floor.

"I'm sorry he did this"  her voice cracked a little.

"But it doesn't mean you should kill yourself"  I heard Liam say.

She didn't answer.  Even the consoles listened for her response, but no words escaped her lips.

"Um" I looked at the second console.  "Can we all be in the same cell tonight?  We're all sort of a family..."

He shrugged and unlocked the door of my cell.  Neither I nor Lily tried to run away.  We just walked into Jannice's and Liam's.

"What time is it?"  Liam asked me.

I glanced at my watch.  "8"

"I'm sorry, Sir, but we'll have to confiscate that until you're let out-if you're let out"  this was a third console that'd just walked in.

"No way" I argued.  "Lily gave this to me and-"

"Just give it to me sir"  he held out his greasy hand.

Hesitantly and without arguing, I slipped it off my wrist and kissed it, before handing it to the console.

Lily came up and put her arms around my waist.  I clasped her tightly.  Even Liam and Jannice came over and hugged me.

I guess the consoles thought it was gross, 'cause they left.

It was awkward, though, having three people clutching me.  But, I smiled, anyway and put my arms around them.

"Honestly"  I looked down at my feet.  "I don't what I could do without you all"

"I wouldn't be here without you, Hazza Bear"  Lily squeezed my super tightly.

I squeezed her hand and gave her a soft smile.  "Love you, Lily Boo"

"Love you back" she put her head on my broad chest.

"So I guess you're...'daddy' now..?"  Jannice looked up at me.

I had to admit, her green eyes matched mine-that's why a lot of people thought we were related, rather than her and Louis.

"Yep...I guess I am" I shrugged.

She was silent.  She made to emotional change or anything.  She just stood there.

All four of us broke a part.

"Well, I'm tuckered out"  Liam stated.  "I'm going to bed, night"

"We all should" I said.

I didn't need my girls being sleepy to-marrow on a big day...when we get out of jail.

As I laid on the cold rock floor, I could here the radio playing from the next room.  Some weather man was on and mentioned snow to-marrow.  If we got out...that would be fun.

One Direction Love-in their World (Book 8 of 8)Where stories live. Discover now