Chapter 16

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Jannice's POV


Yesterday was such a big day for me, I'd almost forgotten about the wedding today.  I know it was unusual for us to decide to have it so quickly, but practically every member of the ex-band One Direction had had a strange wedding.  Most of them were right away, as well.  And Niall had evenannounced to us he was marrying Samantha this week, too.

Samantha, Lily, and I stood in the dressing room checking out our dresses.

Mine was-of 'course-white and it had lacy trim.  Lily's was beautiful!  It was the prettiest shade of purple with a black velvet hat that looked amazing on her.

Samantha had a light blue dress.  All us girls were really excited and super jumpy.  I smiled to myself wondering if Liam was just as nervous and excited.  The only thing that could make the day better was if Zayn and Perrie magically showed up.  I shook that out of my mind.

"I wish Louis were here"  Lily sighed twirling infront of the mirror.

"Yeah, me, too" I looked down.  "He would've been so happy that Liam and I were getting married."

"Yeah, I know"  Lily nodded.  "And imagine how many hugs and kisses we would've gotten from him if he saw us in these dresses!"

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly-holding back tears.

"Yeah..." I whispered letting a couple tears roll down my cheek.

I wiped them away quickly.

Lily was near tears, too.

"Let's not talk about Louis right now"  Sam forced a smile.  "Here, let me do you two's make-up!"

She grabbed her make-up bag and made me and my sister sit down. 

Liam's POV


I happily looked at myself in the mirror as Harry put my tuxedo jacket on me.

"You look amazing, Mate" Niall gave me a shy smile.

"Thanks, Mate" I grabbed my comb from my back pocket and touched up a little part of my hair that was sticking up."

"Hey, Guys, 'vas happinin'?!"

All three of us whizzed around to see Zayn.

"ZAYN MALIK!"  Harry cried.  "How did you get here?  Why didn't you tell us you were coming?!"

"Surprises rock, Mate!"  he caught Niall as he did the koala on him and gave him kisses.

"You know that old bromance we did is coming out in you two"  I smirked.  "Ziall!"

"Oh mi f*** gosh I remember the bromances!!"  Harry cried.  "Wow I'd forgotten!  It's been so long!"

"But how did you get here?"  Niall asked clutching on to him.

"Magic"  Zayn teased.  "Nah, Perrie and I took a plane"

"Jannice is going to be so excited you made it!"  Harry beamed.

"Yeah" he smiled.  "Where's Louis?"

Everyone got quiet.

"You haven't heard?"  Niall asked quietly jumping down.

"Heard what?"

"Well..."  I trailed off.  "Louis-Louis...killed himself"

"Oh"  Zayn said quietly.  "I didn't know...I'm sure Lily and Jan miss him a lot?"

We all nodded.

"Harry took over as their 'daddy'" I said.

"You've got a big job"  Zayn smiled weakly.

"Yeah, I know"  Harry put his hands in his pockets.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Liam?"  Lily called from outside.  "The priest said to tell you it's time"

"OK, Love" I answered opening the door.

She smiled.  "You look great!"

"Thanks" I grinned giving her a hug.  "You, too"

"Good luck!" she smiled.

Jannice's POV


I sort of hung out by myself to calm down my nerves.  My main fear was tripping, or something.  I walked slowly by myself along the rails of the balcony upstairs-running my hands on the rail.

"Hi, Jannice"

I froze.

Was it my imagination?

Did I seriously hear the old familiar voice I'd recognize anywhere?

The one I knew so well my whole life?

I looked over my shoulder, and sure enough he was standing there in a tuxedo.


Zayn Malik!

"ZAYN!" I cried running up to him.

I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his shoulder.

"Jannice" he smiled. 

"Does Lily know you're here?"  I wondered kissing his cheek.

"Yeah" he smirked.  "She saw me."

"OHMIGOSH I can't believe you made it!"

"I wouldn't miss your wedding" he smiled.  "Not the girl I've known since you were 8"

"Has it been that long?" I asked putting my hands on his shoulders and studying him up-and-down.

"Yeah" he laughed.  "twelve years a go!"

"You've grown up so much!" I cried with a smile.

"Ahaha so have you" he chuckled hugging me again.  "I can't believe just the other day I was taking you to your third grade class!"

"Aww" I beamed.

"JANNICE!"  Lily yelled up to me.  "You need to be down here!  Things are about to start!"

"Coming!" I called.


I know this is a crappy ending-especially for the last book-but there is one more thing to publish: the EPILOGUE *dramatic music*

you probably know what's coming, but if not i'll worn you it covers the death of Zayn, Lily, Harry, Jannice, and Liam.

And after you read it, you reader are going to spam my inbox with hate and Lily is gonna kill me XD

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