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Jannice's POV


I walked beside my husband Liam Payne, my daddy Harry Styles, and my sister Lily.  We all knelt down infront of a grave stone slowly.

I read the name out aloud.  "In memory of Zayn Malik.  Died on March 29, 2054"

"That was yesterday"  Lily put her face in her hands with a little whimper.

I stared at the fresh stone.  "Faithful husband and One Direction member...rest in peace..."

Liam set down a small bouquet of roses down on the ground.  I looked up into his brown eyes and squeezed his hand tightly.

"He was a great friend"  Harry took a pair of scissors and cut off a hunk of his hair.

Tenderly, he set it infront of the stone.

"Harry!" i gasped.

"no" he inurupted.  "It was my choice..."

i started sobbing.

What was the world coming to?!

"We should go"  Liam took my hand and stood up.

Harry nodded and helped Lily up. 

That was the last time I ever saw Harry and Lily.  I never knew what happened to them, and their five beautiful children.  We all completely lost contact, and, well...i didn't take it well.  I got Mike's family to help me track them down, but we never did find them, but one day two dead bodies that were identified as them were found buried in the yard of a gangster.

After that, i was pooped.  When we got home, i ran to the bedroom crying and pulled something from one of the drawers: a pistol.

Liam's POV


Jannice had run off to our room crying, and i sadly followed slowly.  She had something behind her back as she gazed up at me-her eyes glistening with tears.


"Yes, Sweetpea?"

"Remember when you promised you'd do anything for me..?"

i nodded slowly.

She pulled a gun from behind her back.

"Here" she pressed it in my hands.

i stared at it blankly.  What the ***k?

"What?" i cocked my head.

"Shoot me" she begged.

"Jan, i couldn't" i started crying.

"DO IT" she demanded.

"But i love you" i went on.  "You're  my Sweetpea"

"And you're my Cupcake" she whimpered.  "Just kill me!"

"I-I can't"  my eyes stung with tears.

"You promised" she pleaded.

"This is different" i cried.

She said nothing.  I felt her hand grab mine and fix it on the trigger.  As i felt her fingers press down, i let my lips crash on hers. 

A desperate shot came from the gun and her body fell into my arms.  i busted out crying as her blood spilled on me.  Then i wrapped my arm around her before shooting myself.

Noone's POV


And there they laid.  With tear stained faces a guy and girl lay on the floor-hopelessly clutching onto each other...

One Direction Love-in their World (Book 8 of 8)Where stories live. Discover now