Chapter 15

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Lily's POV


One of my favourite rides is the Superman ride.  I don't care what anyone else thinks, it's the most thrilling thing I can stand and still have fun.

I held Harry's hand as we waited in the long line, until we FINALLY made it to the front.  We both sat down side-by-side and pulled the safety bar over our heads.  I snapped in the back-up safety belt and smiled.  This was going to be radical!

"You nervous?"  Harry teased.

"Of 'course not!" I cried with a laugh.  "You?"

"I've never ridden this kind of ride before" he admitted.  "But it's more excitement than nervousness."

"Ahaha!  Riiiight!"

He smirked.  "Lily Styles you know me too well"

"Hah, I love you' I grinned.

"Ladies and gentlemen please don't swing your legs, please hold on to the safety bar, and please have fun on Superman-the Ride!  Make some noooooise!"

Everyone screamed before the huge ride clambered up the giant column.  I stared down at the shrinking people in awe.  I could even see the Thames River and London way off behind. 

"Well, the view is amazing"  I heard Harry's voice.

I would look at him, but I wasn't aloud to lean out of my seat while it was running.  I looked directly upward and saw we were nearing the top.

"It's about to plunge!"  I smiled.

Harry's POV


"It's about to plunge!"  came Lily's voice.

As I looked down at the tiny people I gulped.

"All the wayyy?"

"Of course, Hazza Bear" I could hear pure joy in her face.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a couple seconds as it slowed to a stop at the top of the column.  Boy did I regret this.  Why did I get on?  Seconds later, at full speed, the long cart plunged down the column at full speed.  I felt my curls flying upward  as I let out a thrilling scream. 

Jannice's POV



Liam and I silently waited through the line.  Every-now-and-then we'd make a joke about something someone would say in line, or imitate a crying baby or something.  And what ride were we in line for?  The carousel-no I'm teasing.  Mystery Mine.  A super scary and suspenseful roller coaster that makes you ride upside down for a long time.  (A/N-real ride and one of my favos, too!!)  

We both crawled into the two-person-row seat (10 rows of 2) and pulled the safety latch over our heads.

"Liam, is this the first time we've ever ridden something side-by-side?" I asked.

"Hmm" he put a fingers to his chin.  "Wow, Jannie, I think it is"

I beamed.  "Yay!  This is awesome!"

"Yeah" he smiled.

I held the little handles on the pull-over safety bar and clutched them tightly.  This was definitely a CREEPY ride, and one I'd never ride alone.

Up above I heard the before-ride speakers say: "There's no light at the end of that tunnel!  You ready folks?  You show me a piano falling down the mine, and i'll show you A Flat minor!  Better hold on to your shoes...and your hats, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride!  Oh, and no whistlin' except for that canary.  You may spot him over head!"

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