Chapter 9

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Jannice's POV


The next morning everything was cleared out and we got to go home.  The night in prison was awful!  Men all around us said horrible stuff and most of them were saying dirty stuff to me and Lily when are guys were still sleeping.

They never knew, and Lily and agreed to keep is hush hush.  We didn't want to worry them.  Besides, we were getting out today, anyway!  But i assure you neither of us had no part in it.  We just sort of whisper-yelled for them to shut up.

They didn't, though, so we just ignored them.

But everything was fine, now!  Now, i was safe at home and slipping on my hat, scarf and boots.  Then i slipped on my mittens.

"Come, on, Mates!"  I exclaimed running to the door.  "The snow won't wait forever!"

Liam's POV


"Wait up, Jannie"  I laughed as she shot out the door.

I grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her out into the powdery snow.

Everything was so white.  The snow reminded me of when we went to Colorado.  There it snows in August on the mountains, which is insane.

"It's freezing out here"  Lily shivered as we walked down to the golf course road.

I put an arm around her to warn her a little. 

"When's Harry coming out?"  she wondered snuggling into my side.

"He's coming.  He said he was finishing something up on the computer first, though."

"Ooh" I nodded knowingly.

I knew my husband had been working hard on finding a house for me and him-and another job to replace his life in One Direction.

"COME ONE, SLOW POKES!!"  Jan shouted from the top of the hill of the hole we lived on.  "The snow's not going to wait forever!!"

"But it'll wait two minutes"  Lily smiled.

When we got to the top of the hill, Harry was already running up at the speed of light.

"Wait up!" he laughed almost losing balance on the icy hill.

Lily's POV


I giggled as Harry came running up the hill quickly.  Two sleds were clutched under either of his arms.

"Lily you're going down with me"  he called up.  "Two peeps can fit on either sled!"

 He handed me a sled with his mittened hand.

"Sounds good!" I smiled setting it down by the little bathroom house. 

That's where the hill is steepest and fasted.

I hopped on the front and let Harry get in behind me.  Yes, I had to dig my boots in the ground to keep the sled from whooshing down the hill without my husband!  Ahaha!  That would've been funny.

I looked behind me to make sure he was ready.  His face was already rosy from the cold and he shot me that deep, dimpled grin.  Awww.

"I'm readyyyy" he put his mittens on my shoulders to hand on.

"Okayyy"  I took my feet off the ground and almost immediately, the sled started zipping down the hill at full speed.

We only dived down one sand-pit which was kind of nice.  Towards the end, though, we hit a root and the sled tipped over.  Both Harry and I fell off laughing so hard with our heads in the snow.

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