Chapter one

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" Winter...... Winter........ WINTER!" I heard a voice say " uh... What" I say waking up. " we are at Whammy's now winter let's go I will take you to your brother" he said " yeah yeah ok" I say. I walk through the halls of Whammy's House for the first time ' wow it's so big here' I think. I walk into a dark room seeing a dim light in the corner of the room I look and see my brother in a crouch position surrounded by computers and candy. " hello Lawliet " I say with a small smile he turns to look at me " hello Winter how are you?" He asked " I'm good I guess" I say. " well I guess since your here I can show you to your room then" he said " yeah sure " I say following him. A few minutes later we reach a room " well here it is Winter oh and before I go you will need a new name I'm thinking...." He started the when he was about to say something I say " how about whisper" " hmm whisper? Sure it sound good. Well bye now Winter" he says hugging me I hug back " bye lawliet" I say then enter my room.

I look around the room it had a bed a desk with a computer on it a dresser and a closet. I see that my suit case has been put in the room already and I start to unpack I first pull out a few bags of candy ' gosh I'm a candy addict to like lawliet ' I hunk and put the bags of candy on the desk. I take out my phone, a few books, and a laptop. ' well I guess I have two computers to be working on now" I think. I take out clothes and some blankets. I get my room ready then I hear a knock at the door ' hmm who could that be?' I think to myself " yes who is it?" I ask the person knocking " it's time for dinner Whisper" the voice said I recognize the voice " oh Watari it's you " I say " please whisper follow me I will take you to the dining hall" he said. I followed him to a large room filled with kids " thank you Watari" I say before leaving to get some food. I get some food and sit a lone because being and 11 year old antisocial person I am I don't talk to people I prefer to sit alone. I suddenly notice a red haired boy sir next to me playing on a DS. He sits there for at least 30 seconds before saying " so... Your the new girl here Whisper right?" " yeah I'm whisper" I say " I'm Matt... I noticed you were sitting alone so I decided to come and sit by you " he said looking at me " um ok".

A few minutes of talking we all had to head to our rooms to sleep. " so I guess I will see you around then Whisper" he says " yeah I guess so bye matt" I say smiling then I walk to my room. When I enter my room I go on my computer the one I brought with me. I was on my computer for a while when I saw the time 3:25 a.m. " well I should be going to sleep" I said turning of my computer and putting it away. I went to bed and quickly fell asleep.

Well this is the first chapter for this story hope you liked it!

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