Chapter 15

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   I headed back to work the next day after the kidnapping incident I was going to tell L what happened. I walked into Task Force HQ and I saw the others working looking through tapes and files I saw L sitting in his chair as he usually does and looks at the computer screens in front of him. I walk over and sit in the chair next to him " did you see the news yesterday L?" I said looking at him " yes the kidnapping of Ms. Takada" he said " I have information about that" I said looking at him " oh then please do share that information" he said " Takada had a piece of the death note in her possession when she was kidnapped " I said " hmm that is very interesting " he said " my theory is that Light Yagami gave her the piece of it or he told her about it or  there is a possibility that he have the death note to someone else while still having his memories of it and that Kira gave her the piece of the death note to kill" I said " with this information my suspicions of Light Yagami being Kira grows even more thank you for telling me that I will give that information to Near" he said I nodded.

      L sent the information I told him to Near at the SPK HQ. after a while of working I noticed Light acting strange ' I know your Kira Light Yagami it won't be long till your arrested' I think to myself. One of the task force members starts talking about something that's happening on the TV I turn around to see a man on the screen. He had black shoulder length hair and glasses at the bottom of the screen it said his name Mikami.

    He talked about how Kira was justice and how he's all good and stuff ' jeez people are just messed up now' I think I look over to Light and see that he has a smirk on his face ' what's with the face Light Yagami' I think. Then I get some kind of headache and it's like I blocked the world out I was in deep deep thought then it sounded like someone was talking it's said stuff like Mikami, pages, Light Yagami is Kira, phone call, meeting , Takada, pages, phone call, meeting , Light Yagami , Mikami. It kept on repeating pages, Meeting, Phone call, Mikami, and Light Yagami. I was trying to piece it together then it all hit me the meeting where Takada got the phone call Light Yagami said something about some pages then a date. Could Mikami be the current Kira?

    Then I came back to reality everyone was staring at me " hmm? What is it?" I asked looking at all of them L didn't seem surprised that this happens I went into that kind of deep thought a few times but everyone kept looking at me " uh well you kept mumbling things it sounded like you were talking in your sleep" one of the members said. " oh it's nothing serious this happens sometimes I go into deep thought and I kind of black out when I do it" I said and then they went back to work but I heard a few of them talk about it I didn't really care anyway. My phone buzzed and I got it out and saw a text.

Hey I was thinking if maybe we could go out later? - Matt

I then texted back.

Sure - W

' a date huh I haven't been on those in a while since the Kira investigation had been keeping us both busy' I think.

    It was around 8 PM when I left HQ to go out with Matt. I got home and saw Matt playing on his DS like he does most of the time. " Hey Matt... Where's Mello?" I ask " he's out he will be back later tonight" he said " so where do you want to go?" He asked " I was thinking maybe the park?" I said " yeah sure let's go we can walk there" he said getting up. We both walked out of the door.

We started walking down the street he held my hand tightly then he spoke " again I'm really sorry about worrying you so much Winter" he said. We finally got to the park and sat down and I finally answered to what he said " it's fine Matt all that matters is that you and Mello are safe" I said smiling and hugging him he hugged me back tightly " just next time bring me along with you guys" I said " now come on smile we are on a date " I said he lifted his head up and smiled a little bit.

" don't worry this case will be over soon and we won't have to worry about almost getting killed " I said. He leaned in a kissed me softly I smile and kiss back. " I love you Winter" he said " I love you too Matt I always will" I said and he smiled.

We head back to the apartment it didn't look like Mello was home yet and I decided to go to bed " goodnight Matt and thanks for taking me to the park" I said " your welcome Winter and goodnight" he said. I closed the door to my room. I started to think about the case and what I thought earlier so I decided to give the SPK a call. I got a phone out and dialed the number someone picked up " Hello is this SPK HQ?" I asked " yes and who is this " the person asked " this is a friend of Near can you put him on the phone?" I ask " one minute" the person says then I here a new voice " hello Whisper I didn't think you would call" Near said " yes I had a question did you see the news it had a man talking about Kira by the name of Mikami?" I ask " yes I saw it and I saw the man you are talking about" he said " did you have any suspicions about him? " I ask " well actually yes I was thinking and I think there was a possible connection between him and the real Kira that's why I'm planning to contact the Japanese Task Force HQ to plan a meeting I believe I know who the real Kira is" he said " good I thought I was the only one I do believe Light contacted Mikami to give Takada the pages of the death note" I said " hmm interesting and oh I would like you, Matt, and Mello to be a part of this meeting" he said " yeah sure and I will try to get Mello over there just call and tell me the plan " I said " ok goodbye Whisper" he said " goodbye Near" I said and hung up.

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