Chapter 12

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     We stayed at a hotel close to where Near is doing his investigation when we left L decided that it would be best to keep in contact with Near. We then took a flight back to Japan back to task force HQ. We got back at night maybe around 10 or 11 pm I was driven home. I opened the door Mello wasn't there he was probably in his room I looked around to see Matt asleep on the floor. I dragged him to his room and walked away but a hand grabbed my wrist " can you stay?" Matt asked " uh yeah sure" I say.

   I lay down next to him I feel his arms wrap around me I quickly fell asleep.

- Matt's POV-
    - dream-

    I heard the gun shot go off I saw as it hit Winter in her side I picked her up and started to run. She dropped to the ground the blood pouring out of her side onto the ground. " Matt I'm sorry" she says " come on winter I can get you to a hospital let's go" I say tears coming down my face " I... can't Matt I'm sorry I didn't want you to get killed" she said " no don't leave me here Winter please don't" I say  " I'm so sorry" she says as her eyes close and she goes limp. " no please get up Winter I love you so much don't leave me please get up. Wake up. Please" I say as everything goes dark.

- end of dream-

      I woke up breathing heavily and sweating I felt my face I realized I was crying. I look around I see Winter asleep next to me ' when did she get here' I think I lightly shake her awake " hmm w-what. What is it?" She says looking up at me. " when did you get here?" I ask " I got here around 10 pm I dragged you in your room and you told me to stay so I did" she said lying back down. She then fell back asleep a few minutes later I fell back asleep.

- Whisper's POV-

    I wake up early in the morning I saw that Matt was still asleep. I get up and make breakfast I see that Mello is looking at the news on the TV " anything new Mel?" I ask walking into the room " no nothing yet just a bunch of talk from those damn Kira worshipers" he says then a woman with short dark hair appears on the screen ' Kyomi Takada' I think she started saying that she was the new voice of Kira. " well I guess I'm wrong then" he says " ok mello I will see you later" I say as I walk out the door.

I get into HQ " hey did you guys see the new a few minutes ago?" I ask " yeah the new voice of Kira" one of them says " we need to keep an eye on her" L says ' Kyomi Takada isn't that one of the girls Light used to date in college? They could still be contacting each other' I think as I sit down. " I might be able to get her to meet with me" I hear light say " really Light?" I hear Matsuda say " yeah I used to date her at the university we went to" he says " I just need to call her " he says again " hmm yes see if you can do that Light" L says handing him a cell phone Light dials the number.

" hello?... This is Light Yagami..... Yes I would like to meet with you in person... I will get a hotel room... Ok bye" he says hanging up " she agreed to meeting with me" he says " good I will set up the hotel in where you are meeting" L says " do you really think this is going to work what if Light is Kira they will now be able to communicate and she might start killing too" I whisper " then we would know I will be setting up wire taps and cameras so I will know" he says I nod.

- day of the meeting -

Light has asked us to remove the cameras only leaving the wire taps in ' why remove the cameras?' I think to myself light was already in the hotel room. The task force, L, and I were listening as Light starting talking then we heard a female voice. We listened for a while a phone went off and Takada started to talk saying that Light was in the room. Light started talking about some pages and then said a date ' pages? Is he referring to the death note then the date. Pages then the date was the caller given a page of the death note?' I think to myself.

The meeting ended and Light came back to HQ. " Takada agreed to meeting again" Light said " that's good then" Matsuda says. ' I guess with more meetings we can see if Light is actually Kira' I think.

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