Good Time

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- Nagisa's POV -

'Another day at our school, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. What every student wants right?' I think to myself. As I walked from my house to my school, my best friend Karma waved his hand at me for my attention. I nervously waved back.

In just a few seconds, he had his arm wrapped around my neck and let his arm hang loose. "Hey, Shiota-kun. Still as girly as ever." He picked up a bit of my bright blue hair since I let it down.

I moved my head away from his hand so his grasp on my hair was off. "Y-Yeah. I guess," I laughed anxiously. Karma has always made fun of me, calling me a girl or a kid. Or sometimes both. I don't know why, but this time it's getting on my nerves a little.

"Why don't you just tie your hair up? Isn't it a bit more convenient to you?" He asked while playing with my locks once more.

"With this length, there's really nothing I can do to make it look less feminine," I sighed. I pulled my head away from him again. He seemed to have noticed it the second time.

"Ehhhh? Is your hair sensitive or something? Why are you moving away from your bud, Shiota-kun? Whoops, how about, Na-gi-sa?" He asked me playfully.

"Hey hey! Don't call me that Akabane-kun! Th-That's a little, much, for my taste." I played with my fingers that were barely poking out of the sleeves on my shirt.

Karma seemed to have noticed this as well and rolled up my sleeves to my elbows. "There! Now you look a little more masculine. Though anything above this just screams 10-year-old-girl."

"These insults are a little much for my taste too," I muttered under my breath while turning a little pink. Luckily my hair covers most of that just fine.


"It's nothing Akabane-kun."

"Friends don't keep secrets from each other, Shiota-kun."

"Really it's not even important. That's the truth."

"Tsk. Whatever, I'll keep my nose to myself."

"Yeah, you do that. Hurry up or else we're gonna be late for 3-E!" I called out to him as I ran up ahead. Really the only reason I did that was to stall time for my face to return to normal. I felt a really strong grip on my shoulder and I knew immediately who it was.

"Shiota-kun, we're literally an hour early. I have no idea why you think we'd be even remotely late. We'll probably be there before Ms. Yukimura."

'Ms. Yukimura is a really good teacher. Keeping us entertained with her funny stories and shirts. Even Karma is treating her a bit better than our other substitute teachers. Life can still surprise you.'

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But hey! Since we're so early, wanna grab a cof-" I offered, but a running and towering Karma ran past me towards the school gates.

"Race ya' there Nagsia!!" He yelled out while waving his hand. His attention then focused back on running.

With my small feet, I ran towards the school too. "Don't call me that Akabane-kun!" I yelled back while panting heavily, my blue hair flowing with the slight, but not chilly wind.

"S....Stop, calling me that, already!" I told him while resting on my desk. My breath was out, but slowly returning as I faced Karma, who looked like he can still go to a ball and no one knew he was running.

"Awww. But you have such a cute name!" He whined teasingly. Suddenly, we both heard a noise from the supply closet. And out came a petite green-haired girl with a broom.

"Who has such a cute name?" She asked questioningly, as one does.

Karma then pointed to me as a response. "This goody-two-shoes right here. Why you ask?" He questioned while patting my head. He had to sit on my desk to do so since he'd have to bend down a little to do it standing up.

"Karma, what're you doing?!" My girly voice screeched while trying desperately to pry his hand off my head. He had a devilish smirk on his face, like he wasn't even trying and my strength is just below an F grade.

"Awwww, 10-year-old-girl called me, 'Karma' instead of Akabane-kun! How adorable is that, Kaede?" He asked the green-haired girl teasingly.

She put a hand over her mouth, but allowed her voice to reach us clearly. "I ship it."

"Not you too, Kayano! Rio and Sugino already joke around about this, I wanna keep my Kayano-chan!" I cried out as Karma started hugging me while saying, 'He called me Karma! Now Karma's gonna get yoooooou!'

Kayano just started brushing the dust from the floor with the broom in her hand. "Can't hear you, Nagisa! I'm brooming the flooor!" She said in a sing-song voice.

"C'mon you two!" I laughed as Karma started tickling me out of the blue.

"This is what you get for being such a hypocrite! Na-gi-sa!" He cooed as his fingers kept moving around my neck. My ticklish spot that only these two knew.

"Ahaha, I thought I told y-you not to call me th-that Karma!" I laughed while tears were forming in my eyes.

"Hypocritical Nagisa! Gimme back my friend!" He cried out while Kayano joined in on the 'fun.'

"Yeah! Give us back little Nagisa who is for some reason taller than me!" Kayano prayed while tickling my stomach. Karma looked to his right to whisper something to himself.

"And probably has bigger boobs, too," he mumbled.

"Hm?" Kayano raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, nothing Kaede! Let's just sacrifice this fake Nagisa now!" He offered while lifting me into his arms so Kayano couldn't reach me. But she was still energetic.

"Yeah! Let's style his hair as a ritual!"

Karma clicked his tongue. "I like your way of thinking, Kaede."

"Yep! This brain is also filled with ship names for you two!" She exclaimed while taking out a bunch of elastics from her small pocket.

"Oh c'mon! First tickling and now styling?! You guys are demons, I tell ya, demons!" I told them, but they went ahead and started playing with my somewhat thick hair.

Yep, this is my life. That I just love most of the times.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter to my fanfic here. Awww, I love Kayano and Nagisa soooooo much! But Karma and Nagisa are second OTP now. As you should probably be able to tell by now, this takes place in the past where Ms. Yukimura was still their teacher. So before Koro-sensei came. Which means Nagisa and Karma still call each other by their last names. And Nagisa's hair is let down. Not for long though as Kayano has some hairstyles she'd like to try out on poor 10-year-old-girl. . . . Maha hahaha!

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