One More Time

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Sorry! For the sake of plot convenience, I defied logic in many areas here. And changed the ending so that no one dies! :D.... oh how I miss that ending. Well... read on young one.

- Karma's POV -

My eyes slowly started to gain their vision back. I was on my feet, but wasn't walking. I wasn't walking, but I was definitely moving one step at a time. The heck kinda logic is this?

"Man, you're h-heavy. Why did you go after me anyway?" I was so happy it was Nagisa dragging me instead of a 35-year-old man. "You can't really answer now can you," he stated while looking disappointed.

My voicebox was gone, as I couldn't even say a word. All that came out was a few squeaks and raspy gasps.

"D-Don't try! You're gonna strain your throat badly," he almost tripped on the same rock I did, but walked right over it after spotting it. "Look, I'll bring you back to your house. I'll care for you since you're in absolutely no condition to even talk at the moment. But please, don't do anything. Don't try."

Red liquid fell on his shoulder as I tried nodding my head. Nagisa wiped it off like it's been happening for a while, which I can't say did or didn't happen.

I once again, tried to tell him something. "H-How *wheeze* loooong *cough cough*" it hurt too much, but my voice needed to reach him. It needed to.

Nagisa wiped off the blood that came from my mouth. "How long has it been? Well, I don't have a watch and we're pretty far from the marketplace. But I'm sure it isn't midnight just yet."

"N-No. *wheeze*" it hurts. I held up my arm that wasn't slung over his neck.

"What're you-" He stopped talking when I put my hand on his chest, over his now beating rapidly heart. "How...long? How long have I felt this way?" He looked at me again, a little pink now.

Trying so hard not to cough on him, I nodded my head. Doing my best to smile, I gave him one. Tears fell off my face due to the amount of pain.

Nagisa just sighed and kept walking. "I'll answer your questions when you feel better. Or when you can talk again, I really don't know what will come first."

Turns out, this marketplace wasn't that far from my house. Just a few blocks. After about two of them, I started walking while holding onto my stomach. My organs felt like they were trying to escape, and I just wouldn't die.

"Hold on!" Nagisa grabbed my shoulder, making me yelp in pain. "You can't even talk yet! I'll drag you, no problem!"

Ignoring him, I carried on, but landed on him for support a couple of times.

We eventually reached my house in one piece. Somewhat. My door was unlocked as always as I laid on the couch. The blood perfectly blended in with the cushions anyway.

Nagisa sat up and went to the kitchen for reasons unknown. "I'll be in the kitchen. Do yourself a favor and don't get up, please?" He ran the rest of the way as I heard him opening up many many cabinets.

I sat there, quietly sobbing and muttering swear words under my breath to ease the pain. My arm felt broken, my feet felt like they were drained of blood, and my rib cage feels completely wrangled. My face had no feeling, but my right eye felt heavy. Black eye for sure.

"Karma! Don't fall asleep yet, please?" Nagisa woke me up from my nap with a cup in his hand. "It's a homemade remedy for sore throats. I'm not sure if the injury is external, but I hope this'll help!" He said.

Slowly, I sat up in less pain than usual and chugged down the horrible tasting drink. "Thanks!" I smiled at him, and realized the effect was instant. My throat felt a little sore, but I could speak without wheezing or coughing anymore. "That's a little, fast."

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