Party Time

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- Nagisa's POV -

With a neatly wrapped piece of candy in hand, I ran to the waterpark place, praying that I wasn't too late. Or hopefully too early, that'd be even worse.

When I got there, my lungs were recovering from my run as I found Kanzaki just coming by. I waved to her, immediately getting her attention.

"Heyo, Kanzaki-San!"

"Huh? Oh, heyo to you too Nagisa-kun," her sweet angelic voice treated me. It wasn't as loud and over-the-top like Kayano's voice, and it wasn't so low and seductive like Karma's. "You also got invited?"

I nodded my head. "Yep. Sooooo, did you bring anyone else with you?"

"Actually yeah. I live pretty close to Sugino that he offered a ride, so I guess he kinda brought me to be more accurate," she smiled again while the formally mentioned Sugino came running behind.

Together, we three entered the building, thinking everyone else invited including the birthday girl, would be in there for our arrival.

Aaaand I was spot on.

"Aw! Sugino-Kun! Kanzaki-San! Nagisa! C'mon already!" Kayano exclaimed, standing up from her chair. Okuda and Karma looked back at us and waved.

Us three walked over to the other trio and sat down in the six-seated table.

"So who's ready to go swimming!?" Kayano pushed her hand up as if to answer her own question. Everyone raised their hands up, some hesitantly like Kanzaki.

But I kept mines down....

"Ehhhhh? What's wrong Nagisa? I know you're not the biggest fan of swimming but it's not like you to disagree on a majority vote," Karma pointed out while resting his elbow on my shoulder. He had a plan, I just knew it.

"W-Well, it's just that I, uh, d-didn't bring anything with me."

"EHHHHHHH?!" Everyone just screeched at my stupidity.

"But I could go run back and get some clothes if you don't mi-" my suggestion was interrupted with a not so happy birthday girl. Her hands banged against the table in anger.

"No, of course we'd mind!" She pouted while sighing like a child. "Well, maybe we'll rent a suit?"

Suddenly, Karma jolted over to the confused green-haired girl. "Fear not not-so-happy birthday girl! I sensed Nagisa would forget a swimsuit, not everything, but close. So I brought an extra with me!" He smirked at me with every intention of doing so.

"Woah, you caculated that so accurately? Amazing, Akabane-kun!" Okuda was mesmerized.

"That's so sweet of you, Karma-kun." Kanzaki was surprised.

"How'd you know his size?" Sugino was creeped out.

And so was I if Karma pulled out a suit tailored to my exact measurements. Nope.

"Eh? No, it's even better than that Sugino. Waaaaaay better in miles! Though I don't think Nagisa will like the straps on the top though."

"W-Wait what?!? Straps, Karma?!" I backed up a little, but he pulled me back. "Just what kind of swimsuit did you bring me?!"

"Just something to get us free drinks."

"What kind of answer is that?!" I exclaimed. He pulled out a two-piece bikini, with the bottom being covered by a skirt so it'd hover over the one thing on me that screams, 'boy.'

"Perfect fit too," Karma pointed at the top which was smaller than Kayano's. Probably not, but anger filled me anyway.

I pushed him away, awfully close to the pool. "No way am I wearing that."

Karma pouted and took out 6 things I was very familiar with. "Aw, but we can't have a water gun battle if we're short a member. Especially if he didn't even bring an extra set of clothes."

Okuda looked at me with a heavy blush. "W-Well, K-Karma did go to the trouble of buying us, w-water guns. And they're pretty, um, expensive."

"Don't tell me you're actually agreeing with him Okuda!" I groaned. Kanzaki looked away and pulled out 6 pairs of swimming goggles.

"Actually Nagisa-kun. I also brought six goggles. And they weren't cheap either. I'd really appreciate it if you could swim with us though!" Her smile just covered up how bad she felt for being in the majority vote.

I was feeling betrayed. -_-

"Su-Gi-Nooo, please tell me you don't agree to this!" I placed my hand on each other to a praying position. He just shrugged at me.

"Well, I have no complaints. And I think it's more on Kayano's part to pick whether or not you should swim in that skimpy outfit." He eyed the birthday girl.

"NOOOO!!" She yelled with accuracy enough to blow our eardrums to bits. "No, I don't agree with this madness. I'd take guy Nagisa over a cross-dressing Nagisa any day!"

'Yay, my prayers have been answered!'

But if God exists that means the devil exist. And that just so happens to be Karma Akabane. In a swimsuit now.

"Ne, ne, Kayano. The food court close by sells a whole lot of pudding you know? I think one brand had, like an ad for movie. I think it was, 'Discrimination of Our Horrid Dreams' or something close. With a code for a free ticket there. Plus, I could always pay for a few more dozen containers."

"What kind of drunk producer created a title like that?" I giggled at how idiotic his plan was.... until I say Kayano glancing between me and him again. Like she was picking a choice. "Wait Kayano?! Are you atually deciding?!"

She clenched her fists and her face was beginning to turn red. When she decided to speak again, it looked like she just knew how to breathe. "Ne, ne, Nagisa?"

"Uh, yeah Kayano?" I pointed to myself, thinking of the worst things that could come from her mouth.

"Can you seduce someone into getting free pudding cups?"

"OH C'MON!" I glared at Karma than back to the pudding lover with worried eyes. "You're not actually agreeing with Karma's idea are you?!"

In the corner of my eye, I saw devil horns around Karma and looked back. Nope, but he wasn't far from it either.

"Well, majority votes rule over all! So c'mon. Be a good little Shota and crossdress one more time for the birthday girl," he answered in a singsong voice.

Aaaand, the whole day was filled with pudding cups and a very energetic Kayano that never seemed full. Turns out, she did get the ticket at the last minute before the drawing was off.

Eventually, I found out that there was a booth that actually sold boy swimwear and slapped karma for making me seduce a salesperson when I didn't have a swimsuit. He agreed to buy me a proper swimsuit so I could play a part in the water gun war. Me, Karma, and Kayano versus... everyone else really.

It all flew by so quickly since I was somewhat late.

Next up, was the trip back to Kayano's place. I could already sense the OTP settings she put on this little game of hers. And I already know that I'll be no one with extra lives.

Just a happy little chapter with a cross-dressing Nagisa. After writing this chapter, I know have an idea for another Karmagisa story. And boy do I love this Fujoshi mind I have. See ya' with, actually a close-to-finished story to be real with you. O_O

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