Compatible Time

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- Nagisa's POV -

"Geez, well Karma, don't splash me with water and just slap me next time," Kayano instructed. Her uniform wasn't nearly as wet as her face, but it wasn't necessarily dry either.

"Aw, Karma I think you poured the entire bottle onto her."


"Well, can you just give her your jacket instead of holding an empty water bottle." I took the bottle away from him and picked up the food that I dropped.

Karma gave her the black jacket that he never properly wore anyway. But of course, the clothing almost reached Kayano's knees since there was a major height difference.

"Thanks Karma!" She thanked while wiping her face with his jacket.

'Woah, that sadistic redhead looks really different without his signature coat. Not in a bad way either.' The thought lingered in my head as I slowed down my pace of picking up the pieces of rice that few from my bento. 'Wait, what the heck am I thinking?! Ugh, I think that Kayano's fantasies have really gotten to me.'

Kayano and Karma helped pick up my now inedible lunch from the dirty floor.

"Sorry about this, guys. I don't know why my mom insists on packing the same thing for lunch though," the apology slipped from my mouth so easily, since I said sorry to so many people in my life.

Kayano patted my back while picking up the rice that fell into the crevices of the floor. "It's fine, it really is. So don't beat yourself up about it, Nagisa!" She smiled with great enthusiasm, something I can't really do anymore. At least, without lying through my teeth.

"Thanks Kayano," I looked down to prevent another demonic smile getting loose.

"Oh, by the way Nagisa," recalled a now eccentric Karma. "I think you still have some leftover Pocky in your teeth still." He pointed at my mouth, now open to shout some insult back.

"Sh-Shut up, it's your fault it's there anyway," I couldn't really say anything since I was pulling out the food material from my mouth.

Kayano started blushing 50 shades of red as she, I assume, recalled the memory of me and Karma's little make-out session. "So, what was that kissing thing all about guys?" Her eyes were wandering between me and Karma as she stopped picking up rice bits.

Karma smirked as he stared at me, causing my face to look similar to Kayano's.

"Don't speak, please," I warned him. With a pout, he didn't as I said.

"Sorry Kayano. But this party-pooper doesn't want me to answer, so I'll shut up for now. For now...." he picked up the last of my chicken slices and threw them away. "Anyway, who's this Matcha-chan you mentioned Nagisa?"

We stood up just to sit right back down on our seats.

I just shook my head vigorously. "No no no, she's not anyone in particular."

"So why would you wanna go on a date with her instead of attending my party on time?" Kayano pouted as she did her little puppy dog eyes technique on me. Which didn't happen often since I answer with a yes to her... all the time.

"Well, I mean, she's an old lady in my neighborhood."

"What?" Karma and Kayano both dropped their chopsticks onto the table. Not as bad as their entire lunch though. "WHY ARE YOU GOING ON A DATE WITH AN OLD LADY?!"

I leaned a bit back as their angry faces glared into my soul for an answer. "It's not that bad, it's not like we're gonna kiss at the end. I hope."

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