Sleepy Time

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- Nagisa's POV -

After washing my hair and body thoroughly, I came out of the tub and cleaned myself up. I let my hair down as I put on the shirt Karma gave me. It covered up my boxers slightly, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

"Karma! I'm done!" I yelled out while peeking out the door. He'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for me.... or something. Curiosity was poking at me senseless when I saw he hand his cell phone in his hand. With distraught in my head, I walked over to him and snatched his phone from his hands quickly instead of quietly. He didn't wake up.


With a gulp, I looked through his phone. His gallery was just filled photos of him and friends. There wasn't really anything else there. I then looked through his messages. The only contacts were the schools, Kaede's, mines, and his parents. Aaaand it seems like the last talk he had with his parents was a few months ago. That's not really a good sign.

I sat down beside him since he was sleeping sitting up.

"W-What the?" I mumbled under my breath. In his quick memo, there was a section labeled, "Poems." My finger tapped on that read more button to, well, read more. "There isn't any easy way to say this to you, right? Even so, you're what I dream about during my sleep cycle at night. Your intelligence hovers over my stupidity that I hate. But your sweet and gentle voice still somehow charms me like a snake. You really don't like me that way, yes I know. But even so, maybe that's why I love you so-"

"Hey, gimme that back you snoop!" Karma's voice boomed as he snatched his precious phone from my dainty hands. Well, that's what I get for reading it out loud.

"Woooow, that's one lucky girl right there," I pointed to his phone while rolling my eyes at him. I took it back.

"Well sucks for you 'cause I was gonna end it with, 'from your forever flat angel Kayano' and plant it in your frickin desk Shiota-kun," he scratched his head and stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed at his childish response. "Still, I never knew you wrote poems. They're really.... cute."

"You think?" He scooted over to me to look at his phone, reading over the dozens if poems he'd written. "Eh, guess I should probably delete a couple." He took his phone back.

"No! They're super sentimental so don't you dare let those go to waste, Karma!" I exclaimed back to him. I held onto his uniform sleeve for some reason.

"What got you so passionate about poems?"

"Well, not really poems in general. But they're yours, so don't just delete them?"

"Ehhhhh? Why do you even care?" He faced me entirely while grabbing a hold of my wrist. He laughed sadistically when he saw my face was glowing bright red.

I swear even my pigtails reacted. "What'd you do that for?" He pulled his wrist from my hand and rubbed it.

"I asked you a question first."


"Spill it Shiota-kun."

"You know what, I'm really tired from a loooong day at school! Plus, tomorrow's a Saturday let's sleep in, Karma! Hehe...." he walked off to his room with a bead of sweat hanging from his head.

A sigh left my lips as I headed towards his room. I turned on his lights and found many papers fully written on the floor.

"Shiota-kun! I only have one bed ya' know?!" He yelled from the hall.

I picked up a few pieces of paper in shock. "Y-Yeah I know! I guess it's fine as long as you don't do anything perverted. I hope," I whispered the last part to myself as I read over these papers. They were good-bye notes.

I couldn't find one addressed to his parents, but I found one addressed to me though. Before I got a chance to even read the first line, Karma snatched it away from my hands.

"That's not for you yet," he smiled while settling into his bed. "If you're so tired, let's sleep already."

"Oh yeah, right," I gulped while closing the light and huddling next to my red-haired classmate. I faced him while he just continued to stare at his ceiling, hands on his head while mines were nearing my face.

"Hey, Nagisa?" He asked me while I ignored the fact that he called me by my first name this time.

"What is it, Karma? Can't fall asleep or something?" I answered with a question of my own.

"No, not that, but.... have you ever thought about what would happen to the people around you if you died and never said goodbye? Doesn't it just bother you that it might just happen?" He faced me with his head, but his body still faced away from me.

I turned a little pink at his question and I don't know why. "Not really. W-Well maybe once, but no one really cares about me so I don't worry about much." His hand was placed over mines with a somewhat tight grip, like he was serious about this topic.

"Well then think about it more because you'd be an idiot if you think no one cares about you. Including yourself, that's what matters the most." He was now complete facing me, but his hands were wrapped around my head as he let his chin rest on my head.

"Karma? Would you care if I died without a word?"

"Of course, why?"

I cuddled into his chest and smiled with ease.... and tears in my eyes? I felt Karma flinch at this sudden change from sleeping next to him, to almost opening my feelings to him.

"Are you crying Nagisa?" He patted my back as an effort to comfort me. But no, I was crying tears if joy. With With smile plastered onto my face.

"Yeah, but just.... just go to sleep Karma. Don't worry about me, I'll never leave you without a word. You know what? Scratch that, I'm never leaving you. So get some rest."

"Uh, okay. You're weird."

Awwwwww, this godly chapter now. I wonder what's going on with Karma.... anywho, I do know that it's pretty unrealistic that Nagisa is heading towards forgiving Karma so easily, but it kinda needs to head that way. But I hope that won't bother anyone. And sorry that there wasn't any humor in it. Just not a humorous chapter. And the whole sideplot about Karma's poems get deepr, don't worry. I guess that's all, see ya!!

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