Romance Time

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- Kayano's POV -

'Awwww! My heart's pounding too loud I think even Nagisa can hear it!'

I couldn't face the blue-haired boy, not in this state. But even still, my ears picked up on the sound of his footsteps coming in my direction. He kneeled down with me and brought me back up. Even then, I didn't face him.

"Are you serious Kayano?" He asked with worry and concern in his voice.

I nodded, still not looking his way. Nagisa I guess couldn't help it, not looking at me after this sudden confession. He spun me around so my head would've faced him if my hands weren't still concealing my face.

"Kayano," he whispered. With little to no force, he removed my hands away from my face. My eyes wandered anywhere but to his own bright blue ones which I just, adored so much.

"Y-Y-You don't need to talk! Just answer it and eat your cookies!" I told him while putting a finger over my mouth. "Stop staring at me like that!"

Silence filled the room, considering no one else was in the room besides a few nurses who gave us looks.

Nagisa picked up the dropped bag and ate one whole. He gave me a smile... another fake one I guess? And I thought he'd actually give me a sincere one today huh...

"It's really good! Nice job on these, Kayano," he told me, stuffing his mouth with multiple cookies that I actually bought from the store.

I know he likes the cookies, but his smile it's just- forced. Like he's not happy for some reason. Like everyday, when he's with me. And, everyone else. Except Karma.

He always looked at Karma with no sorrow in his voice or eyes. He could be excited, not so calm with me or Rio or really anyone else. Why? And it seems like he always comes back from a talk with Karma smiling a genuine smile I wouldn't ever get from him.

And yet, I still joke around about those two. I don't hate Karma, not at all. I mean, there's no way Nagisa would fall for him. They're polar opposites and not the types to attract.

Even still, I tried getting them back together as friends when Karma insulted Nagisa like that. And not just for Nagisa's sake, I wonder why I helped my 'competition.'

Why? Why won't Nagisa smile at me like that?

"Oh! I forget about your question for a bit there," Nagisa chuckled out. "Yeah, there's really no reason I wouldn't go out with you anyway."


"GREAT! Thanks sooooo much Nagisa!" I yelled to him while dragging him outside.

"Wait! Where the heck are we heading to?!"

"Hmmm. To our first date silly! And before you ask, yes, a ride offered by a friend is our way of transportation."

"Since when were you really good at language skills?"

"Since never, now c'mon!"

The sliding doors opened for us as I spotted Rio Nakamura. The person who could call in her brother who owns a very nice car.

"Rio! Is your brother here?" I called out while nearing her along with my date for tonight.

Her head nodded a yes as she pointed to a red car containing a guy who looked very similar. Rio gave me a wink as she excused herself by saying she needed a bathroom visit.

"Where are we going, Kayano?" Nagisa asked me as I did his seatbelt, excitement still clouding my thoughts!

Rio's brother put up three fingers. "The mall, the carnival, or the cafe. They're the closest things that aren't Hot Topic expensive."

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