Bonding Time

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- Karma's POV -

School. End. Now. School. End. Now. Sonic Ninja volume 8 isn't gonna read itself ya' know?

Finally, the bell rung and I was the first one to head outta class. But I waited outside the door so I could see my little blueberry girl. He seriously can't blame me from making fun of his appearance.

No, I mean seriously. What does he expect from me?

He, as usual, came last along with Kaede. Awww, they look like a couple talking so peacefully. But it does kinda look like yuri considering Nagisa isn't exactly the most 'guy'est of the class. Or world to be more truthful.

"Yeah! Then her date was covered entirely with Ramen noo- oh hey Karma!" Kaede stopped and waved at me. Nagisa turned his head to me and his expression was a little disappointed. Guess he thought I'd forget.

"What were you guys talking about? Sounds like something Ms. Yukimura would do honestly," I commented while Kaede grabbed Nagisa's hand. It seems like he was trying to scoot away from the conversation. Too bad Kaede has a cute sense locked in her green-haired covered head. Has anything cute ever passed by her- NOOOOOOOOPE.

"That's because she did! Heehee, she spilled her dinner all over her date. What's worse, he told her to go pay for a new suit since it costed more than her. Men can be so rude!" She exclaimed nonchalantly.

"Yeah, noted," Nagisa said in a quiet voice as usual. He was staring at me with his angry, but mesmerizing aquatic eyes.

"Hm? Did you say something Nagisa?" I asked him, even know I already knew the answer and what he would say.

"No," he groaned and walked towards me. "Let's go to your place already. Everything's in my bag so let's not waste time, Akabane-kun. And don't call me Nagisa anymore." He took my hand and dragged me out of the hall. I looked back to find Kaede giving me a thumbs-up for good luck.

"I can walk you know. My legs work just as much as any other redhead's legs would."

"That doesn't even make any sense!"

"Hehe, since when do I ever make sense Nagisa?"

"Just call me Shiota-kun. Actually, drop the formality and just call me Shiota."

"Nah, that sounds too good for me. Nagisa's just fine."

"Tsk, whatever. Let's hurry before anyone gets ideas."

"A little blueberry girl dragging a guy to their own house for a sleepover, I'm sure no one will be suspicious Nagisa."

"Blueberry Girl?"

"Suits you good, you must admit."

"Just stop with the girly comments already! I've had enough and I'm only gonna see the movie with you just to see the movie. So don't think I'll tolerate this much longer."

"Seems like you lost your temper already Nagisaaaaaa."

"Oh look, your house is just around the corner, let's go and stop talking, ne?"

He let go of me when we reached the doorstep. With his foot tapping, he waited for me to unlock the door..... I didn't of course.

"Hurry up and unlock it already!" He broke out.

I smirked at his retort. "Ehhhhh, that's not a nice way to ask someone to do something now is it, Shiota-kun."

"God, didn't I tell you to drop the formality? Well, better than nothing. Just hurry and unlock it, PLEASE," he emphasized. I pat his head as I unlocked the door. "What's with you and patting my head lately?!" He screeched.

"Eh, just something I do now. Keeps the mosquitoes out I guess," I answered while slumping onto my couch the color of my hair.

Nagisa came and sat next to me. With a red face, he patted my head too but had quite a bit of trouble with it.

"What're you doing that for?" I asked curiously.

"Payback? I don't know, this seemed logical at first."

"Yeah, no."

"Sorry," he put his hand on his lap as his eyes gazed at the clock. 4:23 it read. "Your parents aren't here, are they," he stated matter-of-factly. I nodded my head at his correct assumption.

"Yeah, they're on a trip right now. They'll be back in a week. So solitude for seven days will belong to me."

"Well, I guess we're sharing since my family's on a trip for a week too. I could probably stay here for the week if I wanted to."

"Then why don't you?" I asked as he put his head on my shoulder.

"This house doesn't fit me. It's too big, and Karma-like," he replied while pointing to everything red in the room. Which was a pretty good chunk.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder so he was closer to me than before. My nose sniffed his hair. What a coincidence! It smells like blueberries!

"Kar- Akabane-kun?" He started, interrupting his first statement.

"You can call me Karma if you need to. I won't try sealing a spirit this time," I rubbed his head with my hand, tangling his hair with my fingers.

"Then, Karma? Why do you make fun of me all the time?" He tried prying me off, but failed miserably.

"I don't make fun of you, dummy. I tease you 'cause you're my friend. That's what friends do to lighten the mood between them," I explained. He looked a little annoyed at my answer.

He clenched his hands into fists, but kept them in his lap. "Well, you're not my friend Karma." He stood up and headed for the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Do you have pajamas?"

He blushed and turned to the wall. "N-No. But I could just take of the vest I'm wearing and just wear this to sleep."

"Nah, you could wear some of my clothes with you want."

"But I don't want to. Everything would be a size or two bigger than me."

"Then you could just borrow a shirt then- POOF! Nightgown," I explained while making hand gestures. He sighed.

"Well, you're not wrong. Fine, just leave me a shirt on the counter while I go start a bath."

"Bath?" I snickered.

"Yes, Karma. People like baths unlike kittens or you. I know it may seem surprising but opinions are just and will only be opinions," he told me, imitating the voice of our teacher. "See ya' in an hour."

He went into the bathroom and started a bath. I climbed into my closet and pulled out a white t-shirt that'll probably reach just below his hips. Oh well.

Without a second thought, I opened the door to reveal Nagisa pulling his shirt off. He threw an empty soap bottle at me and covered himself with the shirt that was still around his arms, but barely doing so.

"What the heck, Karma!?! Knock every once and a while, would ya?!" He exclaimed while taking off his elastics, his long hair falling behind him.

I just facepalmed myself. "Jesus christ, we're both guys and I've seen you many times shirtless in the locker room. What're you so afraid of? That I'll see you in your underwear? I saw that too."

"Get out already!" He closed the door and tried to lock it, but I held onto the handle so he couldn't. "Let go!"

"Ne, Shiota-kun? Let's make up after you're done, alright?" I teased him seductively, followed by kissing noises as afternoon extra effect. He slightly opened the door after and slammed it hard so I'd let go. He then locked it.

"Gosh, I hate you! "

Poor Karma-kum! I'll give him a big bear hug! I know Nagisa seems a little out of character since he's usually soooooo nice and considerate, but this is my story so Nagisa snapped. But he's still incredibly nice to everyone else though. I personally think Karma is still in character though. Just a little less funny. Oh well!

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