Chapter 12- Meet the Twin

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To My Friend Jim. He's Been Asking Me To Update.

Soo Here's The Update.  


"Pookie." I trial my hands up and down his chest as I laid on his chest as we were in bed together. "Yes Pooh." His fingers were running through my hair that was air drying. "I'm hungry." I told him in I felt his chest pump as he laughed. "Baby we just ate dinner an hour ago." He says. "I know but I'm hungry again." I said and he groaned. "What do you want?" He asked. "I have a green caramel apple with nuts downstairs in the refrigerator." I told him. "Mir, you can't eat peanuts." He says. "I know but I want it." I whined. "No. I would bring you anything but something with nuts in it." He says. "Fine." He moved from under me and went to put some boxers on. "Don't put those on." I told him. "Why not?" He turned around and I bit down on my bottom lip feeling the heat between my legs come back. "Damn Pooh. Why you gotta be so damn sexy." He says as he dick rose, stiffening. "Why do you have to be so damn handsome?" I gave him a come here gesture with my index finger.

"Hurry up I gotta pee." I woke up when Michael was getting up to go to work. He wanna run out the bed as soon as I get out and go to the bathroom. "Open the door." I said and he did. "Go use a different bathroom." He says then closed the door locking it. "I can't stand you!" I still made my way to another bathroom.

"Black ass." I mumbled getting back into bed still naked. His smirked was reflected through our mirror. "So it's funny?" I questioned. "Yes it is. I gotta go. I love you Pooh. Be safe today." He came to kiss me. I didn't kiss back causing him to stop. "I love you." He kiss my stomach. "I hate you." He kissed my forehead and left.

"Hello." I answered my phone continuing to prepare my lunch since Michael wanna throw my caramel apple away before he went to work. He thought I wouldn't notice? "Hi. I'm looking for Amir Wallace, wife of Michael Wallace." A young female voice came through. "This is she." I took my fries and pizza out the oven setting both trays on the stove. "I'm calling from Jackson Memorial Hospital and Michael seem to have gotten into a work accident." I frozed. "What type of accident?" I asked turning the oven off running upstairs to slip on some shoes. "I'm not sure, my job is to just call an emergency contacter for patients who have been check into the ER." She says. "Ok. I'm on my way." I walked out the door after setting the alarm and locking the bottom from the inside.

I walked into the room where Michael was supposed to be in and he was sitting on the bed with his legs dangling fussing at a girl. "Didn't I tell you not to call her? Now if she comes in here stressing and we lose." He looked at me when I sniffed. "Pooh, no don't cry." He opened his arms and I walked towards him as the intern walked out. "I'm sorry." "No. Don't." "I said that I hated you this morning." I cried. "But I know you were just playing. Baby stop crying." He wiped my tears and kissed me. "What had happened?" I asked. "Why do you only have on one of my t shirt and my boxers?" He asked. "This is always what I wear the morning after." I said. "It's 2:00." He says. "I had just woke up at 1. Now what happened?" I went back on subject. "Nothing. I'm fine. A fire broke out as one of my workers did something they wasn't supposed to." I touched his face which had a small scar on it. "The insurance covers this right?" He flinched. "Yeah." "Pooh, please don't stress, we don't need to suffer threw another miscarriage." I told him ok. Remembering how much of an emotional wreck I was when I had a miscarriage when I was a senior and Mike had already graduated college the year before.

"Do you think its my fault?" I asked him while I was driving us to his office so he could get his car. "Is what your fault?" He asked. "The miscarriage." I said lowly. "Of course not. Neither one of us knew you was pregnant. You was just stressed because finals were coming up." He rubbed my stomach. "You could've been had your son." I whispered wiping a tear. "Amir. Didn't I tell you four years ago to stop worrying about it. It wasn't your fault then and it isn't now." He says. I just nodded as I pulled into an empty space next to his car. I smiled when I saw that his car was parked in the spot that said Manager. When I unlocked the door he got out but I instead of going straight to his car, he opened my door and pulled me out.

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