Chapter 13- I Miss You

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Amir POV
I looked between my brother and Mike with confusion written all over there face. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Nothing. We should go get ready for bed." Mike picked me up. "I can walk." I said annoyed and he put me down and I walked away. I never get to know anything. It's like when I get pregnant, he expects me to worry about everything. I remember when I was pregnant with Minnie, he'll always do something behind my back. "Pooh." He says. "Good night Amor." I walked passed him going upstairs to shower.
"Amir." I felt Michael's hand rubbing my stomach when he got in the shower uninvited. "Michael move." I tried nudging him but he wouldn't move and started placing kisses on my neck. "Why you mad at me?" "Move. I'm not playing with you." I said. He put his hands up in surrender and I bathe then turned the water off and got out. "I am still in here." He says and turned the water back on.
Walking out of the bathroom, I slipped on my Minnie Mouse booty shorts and it's matching tank. I went out of our room and went to my baby's room. "I miss you Minnie. You don't know how bad I miss you." I rubbed my stomach as tears ran down my face. "You're going to have a baby brother. I hope you two get along very good. Always remember blood is thicker then water. I need y'all to fight for each other. I need you to be a good sister. I need you." I cried. "I need you to be here with me; with your family. I love you Aminah. Your daddy loves you. Wherever you are, I will find you. I just hope when I do, you're not walking or calling somebody else mommy and daddy. I love you Minnie." I put the Minnie Mouse that Aminah always played with back in her crib and wiped my tears calming down before walking out. I opened the door to see Michael leaning against the bathroom door that was across from Minah's room. He looked up as I stepped out. He stood up straight then opened his arms. I fell into them and he wrapped his arms around me. "I thought I told you not to go in there." He ran his fingers through my hair. "I can't take it anymore." I cried. "Take what?" He asked. "Acting as if Aminah doesn't exist. Ignoring the fact that we have a missing child. Not talking about her. Going out on dates as if I'm pregnant for the first time." I told. "Baby you know how I feel about you stressing over this." He says. "And quite frankly, I don't give a fuck anymore. I don't." I walked out of his grip going into our room and laid down.
"Bae." He pulled me into his bare chest. "Hm?" I answered. "Tomorrow. Me, you, Amor, continue to search." He says. "Whatever you say." I sighed drifting off to sleep. "I love you Pooh." He whispered in my ear then kissed my shoulder sending chills down my body. "Whatever you say." I repeated he chuckled a little. "I can help you sleep better." He started rubbing my stomach as he placed kisses on my neck.  As much as I didn't want to, I like it and his touch helped me fall asleep.
I woke up with a craving of some fruit loops. I turned around and Michael wasn't there. I thought he wasn't going into work today. I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom. After urinating, I brushed my teeth and then head downstairs. "Good morning. How you feeling?" Mike greeted me with a smile. "Morning?" I questioned. Why was he so happy? I asked myself. He came towards me with a plate and he kissed me. I stood there shocked. "You ok?" He asked. "I'm sorry. I'm just confused right now. What the hell is going on?" I asked him. He just stands there smiling. "Michael." I said. He placed the plate down and wrapped his hands around my waist pulling my growing towards him. "You don't remember what happened last night?" He asked kissing my lips. "All I remember is you rubbing my belly." I said. I remember being somewhat mad at him but he always wins me over with his famous rubs. "Yeah that happened but then it was a kick and one kick lead to other." He says. Did we have sex because of my son's kicks? If we did, he must not have done a good job. Lol. "We didn't have sex last night." I more so asked. "No. I was just messing with you." He smirked when I pushed him. "That would have been bad on your part." I told him. "How so?" He asked. "Because if we did have sex last night and I didn't remember meant that you ain't put it down right." I said fixing me a bowl of Fruit Loops. "You Know I puts it down right." He says and I poured my milk. "I cooked breakfast." He says. "I'm not in a hot food mood." I told him. "You could've said that before I cooked." I heard him say under his breath going upstairs. I sat on the couch turning on the tv. "Let's gather around the camp fire and sing our camp fire song." Spongebob was on and I was singing along eating my cereal. "Our c a m p f i r e s o n g song and if you don't think that we can fast then your wrong and it will help if you just sing along... Bum bum bummmm." As Spongebob sped up the song, I did. I even did the part when Patrick attempts. "It'll helpppp it'll heeelpppp if you just sing a longgggg.... Oh yeah!" I laughed at myself as I finished it. After putting another spoonful in my mouth, I grabbed the remote and turned to channel 5102 (at&t uverse music choice channel -hip-hop & r&b-) and Robin Thicke Give It 2 U was playing. I song along and started dancing still eating..... I fixed myself a lot of cereal.
After eating, I drunk the remainder of my milk in the bowl and went to the kitchen to wash my bowl out. "Baby did you eat?" I called. No answer. "Baby." Nothing. "Michael I know you heard me calling you." I said walking into the room. He turned around putting on a shirt. "Did you eat before I clean up the kitchen?" I asked. "Naw. Ima go eat now." He walked passed me. I didn't know what was up with him but I just shrugged it off and went to my closet to decide on what I wanted to wear. It was hot outside and I don't want to have no heat stroke. I decided on wearing some white denim shorts, and when I say short, I mean short, like they stopped a little after my butt. I took my tank off putting my strapless bra on. I took my beige strapless shirt off of a pants hanger and stepped into it. Since my stomach getting back big, it just passed the bottom of my stomach. I grabbed my beige sandals and slipped them on. I grabbed my phone off its charger and my purse then went downstairs. "Amor should be here soon." I said and he nod continuing to wash the dishes.
"What's wrong?" I asked him but he shook his head. "Nothing." He says. "Baby what's wrong? What did I do?" I asked. He seemed to be mad at me but I don't know why. "Nothing Mir. You ain't do shit." He says. I nod my head leaving it alone to go sit on the couch.
"Wake up big head." I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see my brother. "Move." I mushed his face and tossed over on the couch. "No Amir, you get yo big ass up." He says and I looked at him. "You think I'm fat?" I asked. "I don't think. I know you hella fat." He says and I pretend to look like he hurt my feelings. "Dammit Mir I'm sorry." He goes. On the inside I'm laughing. But I moved him away from me and got up to used the bathroom. "Ready to get started?" He asked when I walked out. I nod.
The first place we went was to Nieya's house. The whole car ride Amor and Mike was in the front seats talking. Mike wasn't talking to me and I didn't talk to Amor making it seemed like I was 'mad at him'. I looked out the window rubbing my stomach praying to God that he was protecting my child and was guiding me to get her back.  "So that's why you ain't talking to her?" Amor asked and Mike nod. What's why???? I wondered. Instead of saying anything, I got out the car when we reached Neiya's apartment. I knocked on the door and some man answered it. "What you want?" He asked. "Excuse you, is Neiya home?" I asked trying to look inside but he was too big. "Maybe, maybe not what is you?" Ugh English? "May I come in?" I asked and he began to chuckle. "You cute you know." He says. "Amir." I heard Neiya's voice. "Hey, what you doing here?" She asked. "Just to stop by. Haven't really talked to you in a while and was in the neighborhood." I lied. "Oh. Ok well come on in." She says and we walked in her one bed apartment. "You remember my brother right?" I asked. "We actually never met." She started gawing over my brother. I just shook my head. "So what's up with the bodyguard." I rolled my eyes suggesting the guy who answered the door. "Oh Langston, he been staying the night. You know how it get when the sex is good." She whispered but not good enough. "And how does it get?" Mike asked. She looked at him then looked back at me. "You found out the sex yet?" She asked. "No. The doctor said it was still too early to tell." I lied. "Can I use your bathroom?" I asked. "Of course go ahead." She says. I got up from the couch. I opened her room door. Empty no trace of any baby in here. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I counted 30 seconds then flush the toilet and wash my hands. "You good?" She asked. "Yeah. We should get going now. I got a long day just me and two of my favorite men." I grabbed Mike's hand and lead us out the door. "See you later." As soon as the door shut, Mike took his hand from mine. I held my belly smiling.
"He's kicking." I whispered. Amor came to me and started rubbing my belly to feel the kicks. "I don't feel nothing." He says and I moved his hand. "Right... there" my baby kicked at his uncle's touch. "Wow." He says. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked. "I never was." I smiled at his face because I always do the same things but then my smile dropped when I realized Mike was in the car. "What's wrong?" Amor asked me. "Nothing. Let's go." I wiped a tear. No matter how mad Mike was, he always wanted to be the one to feel when the baby kicked especially when I was pregnant with Minah. "Amir." I got in the backseat and put my seatbelt on. "I'm fine Amor so don't ask." I lied and cried silently I looked up a little to see Mike looking at me through the mirror when he let down his Sun visor. We got to Jas' apartment and the same thing happened except her girlfriend answered the door. Going to Shelly's house, well she was on her way out with her daughter Shayla. There was no car seat in her car, just Shayla's booster seat.
"What a bummer." I said as we sat in Chili's. "It'll be alright." My brother hugged me. "Not really." I said. "Trust me twin." He said and I smiled. "Hello my name is Cameron but you can call me Cam, can I start you off with some drinks?" Our waiter said. "Yes may I have the Classical Strawberry Margarita, Frozen." I said receiving a look from my twin and Mike. "She'll have a water." Michael said I scrunched up my face at him. "I'll have a Dr. Pepper." He ordered. "Two." Amor said. "Ok and do want any appetizers, are you ready to order?" Cam asked. "Aye what's up cuz." Amor said and Cam looked. "Aye man what's up. I ain't know you was in town." Cam said. "Yeah, Just been laying low." "Can I Get the full rack of Texas Cheese Fries as an appetizer and I want the Triple Dipper but as an entree." I said interrupting them and he nod continuing to write on his pad. "What all do you want for your Triple Dipper?" He asked. "The Big Mouth Bites, Boneless Buffalo Wings, and the Loaded Potato Skins." I ordered. He said ok and moved on to the boys so they can order. "A damn Margarita." Mike mumbled shaking his head when Cam left. "I need a drink dealing with you." I said under my breath. "Excuse me." He says. "What?" I asked. "What you said?" He asked. "Man y'all acting like a married couple. Oh wait." My brother cut himself off and I shook my head at him. "Ima go outside so y'all can talk." Before I could say no, he left.
"What did I do to you this morning? Why you not talking to me?" I asked he sighed. "Because I cooked for you this morning. And you went and fixed yourself some cereal. You don't know how hard it was to make sure everything was tasting good and wasn't burnt. You didn't even look at the plate I made you. I bet you don't even know what I cooked." He says. Like really? You mad because I wasn't craving hoot food? "Wow. You're mad because my cravings wasn't what you had in mind for breakfast?" I asked. "Man forget it." "No. Let's talk about this." I placed my elbows on the table and my forehead in my hands. "Just think about it. If the table was turned and you cooked something like my favorite meal for dinner and I come home with pizza, how will you feel?" He asked. "I guess  I never thought of it that way." I sighed. "I'm sorry baby." "It's all good." He shrugs. "Can I get a kiss?" I asked. "You good." He says. "Ok." I nod and took my phone out my purse. I looked up to see that Michael wasn't sitting in front of me instead, he was sitting right next to me. He turned my head with pulling my chin and he kissed me. I whimpered when he pulled back. He smiled and kissed me again. "You horny aren't you?" He says against my lips and nod my head and he shook his. "Later ok?" He kissed me again before I reply.  "My favorite married couple." I looked to see Amor sitting where Mike was. I rolled my eyes just as Cam came with our drinks. "Your appetizers should be out soon." He says. "Ok. Thank you." I took a sip of my water. "Bout to tap that ass." I almost choked and Michael started patting my back. "You ok?" He asked I nod. And looking at my laughing brother. "And who ass you about to tap?" I asked. But he couldn't hear me since he had his headphones in. I got up from my seat took look at his phone. I went behind him and saw that he was on facetime with Sabi and she was only in her undergarments. I covered my eyes and went to the bathroom.
"You know what they say, when you go looking for something, you'll find something for sure." I said when I sat back down. My brother and Sabi was still on facetime. My fries had came I just when I went to the bathroom, and I seen that someone are some. "Who ate some of my fries?" I looked at Michael. "What?" He reached over to grab a fry. "Move." I popped his hand lightly.
My legs were in Mike's lap and we fed each other. "I'm full." He says and I ate a piece of his chicken wing. "Y'all over there feeding each other like y'all babies." Amor said. "This is my baby." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'll see you later." He said through his mic piece and hung up.
"So what's next?" Amor asked when we reached the car. "Let's go by daddy's house. I'm pretty sure momma misses to to you." I told him. He nod. I got in the backseat and before I can closed the door, Mike slid in and closed the door after him. "Y'all bet not do nothing in my car." Amor git in the driver's seat. "Shut up and drive." I sang. 

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