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When Jake was leaving this morning I completely avoided him. After last night, I don't even know how to feel about anything anymore. I'm confused and lost.

I was just walking around town again today. Clearing my head, although the thoughts wouldn't leave.

"Oh my gosh, Bridgette?" I look up from the ground and see a familiar face.

"Raven?" I started to get excited.

"YES OH MY GOSH!" She engulfs me in a hug and squeezes all the air out of me. I laugh and squeeze her back.

"How long has it been girl?"

"Too long."

Raven is my best friend. She has been since we were in diapers. When we were in 10th grade, her dad got sent to jail and her mom forced her to move to Michigan with her grandma. I thought I'd never see her again.

"I think we need to catch up like right now! Come on, let's go somewhere." I nod and we skip down the street to a small cafe.

We order something as soon as we get there. It's so amazing to have my best friend back.

"So is there anyone special in your life?" She says giggling. I smile a little.

"I have a boyfriend named Jake and we've been together for over a year now." I smile at the memories we have together.

"Over a year huh? Is he gonna pop the question." She says wiggling her eyebrows at me. I shake my head laughing.

"Rave I'm confused with what's going on."

"What's happened?"

"It's too much to explain, but I'm just lost with my thoughts. Last night I came home from walking with around with one of my friends. Jake was sleeping on the couch and there were groceries on the bench. I packed everything in the pantry and fridge but I came across a jewellers bag. Rave there was an engagement ring in there."

"HE'S GOING TO ASK YOU OH MY GOD BEE!" I shake my head at her.

"I don't want to say yes."

"Why not?"

"I'm in love with someone else." She gasps and I look up at her with sad eyes.


"It's hard to explain but I can't stop loving him. He's just... It's too hard to explain and live with. I just love him more than I do Jake and I'm confused with myself. Part of me is telling me 'stay with Jake' the other part is telling me to go back to Cameron. Rave I need help."

"Follow what your heart wants. Your heart is the best decider at this moment alright?" I nod and hug her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Bee. Now come on, I know your in a depressed moment so I'm taking you to your favourite place in America."

"Disney world?" She nods and I squeal like a little kid.

I follow her to her car and she takes me to my favourite place. Even though the drive was a little long, I as excited every moment of the way. I forgot about the engagement ring and Cameron for a little while.

"I was thinking that after this little day here, we could have a sleepover. You know how we used to have those as kids?" I nod and smile at her. We park and then run up to the gate to pay for our entry.

"I miss those good old sleepovers. Talking about who we liked, talking about who we didn't like. Good childhood times." We laugh and walk into the wonderful world of Disney.


We were back at my house now but we stopped to get Rave some clothes.

We were both in comfy pyjamas and doing each other's nail in the living room while watching some reality show.

"So when I moved I met this guy named Dennis. Lovely guy and had amazing green eyes. We had been dating since the first week I moved there until..." She sniffles a bit and I stopped painting her nails.

"He didn't?" I gasped. She nodded and started to cry.

"I thought he loved me." She cried for a while and Jake got home.

"Oh hey Bee, who's this?"

"I'm her best friend okay leave me alone." I hand her a box of tissues and he ice cream we had left over.

"I'll be right back." She nods and blows her nose. I run up to Jake and kiss his cheek.

"That's Raven and she's just staying the night. She's my best friend and I haven't seen her in years so yeah." I say awkwardly. He laughs a little.

"Okay well I just have to quickly stop by to tell you something." I nod and he hands me a bag. "Wear this tomorrow night, I'll pick you up after work." I nod and he smiles at me. "I've got to go run a few errands now, I'll be back in a few hours." He pecks my lips.

"Love you." I say. He doesn't say it back, just closes the door and I hear the car engine. The sound slowly disappears as it gets further away.

"He's gonna ask you tomorrow. I bet you $10." She says through sniffles.

I just look at her and I have to agree with her.

How do I say no?

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