Thirty four.

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Today, I could not do anything at all. We were 5 days in to our stay in Paris and I was dying.

Okay a bit dramatic but like, I was vomiting everything.

"It was probably the snails." Was pretty much all I said after vomiting.

The snails were pretty gross.

Now I'm laying on the floor of the bathroom because Cameron went out to the grocery store or something. I really feel like I was gonna die.

"BEEEE!" I hear someone shout. Obviously Cameron.

"BATHROOM!" I shout back. He shows up in the door frame moments later.

"You've got to do something for me okay? Don't be mad, don't freak out of anything like that." I nod and he pulls something out of the bag. 'Pregnancy test.'

"Those things lie the majority of the time."

"Please Bee." He gives me the box and I sigh. He helps me up and I sit on the toilet.

"You can either stand there and watch me pee or stand outside." He laughs and walks outside.

One line, not pregnant.
Two lines, pregnant.

I sigh and try to pee on the stick.



"I CANT PEE OKAY!" He comes into the bathroom and hands me a bottle of water. I drink it fairly quickly and he turns the tap on.

"Now try and pee." It worked surprisingly.

"Now we wait."

I wash my hands and lie back down on the floor,Cameron joins me. We wait 5 minutes.

"OKAY TIMES UP!" Cam shouts as he turns off the alarm he set. I grab the stick and look at it.

Two lines.

I look up at Cameron.

"I'm pregnant. I'm carrying a little us inside of me." I gently poke my stomach.

"Are you happy or sad about this?" Cam says pulling me closer to him.

I smile and start laughing a little. Tears were in my eyes.

"I'm happy. We're having a baby." He smiles and wipes my tears away.

"Congratulations to us." He says and hugs me.


We decided to stop the honeymoon and go back home. I was too sick to do anything anyway.

Well not sick sick but... You get what I mean.

We were now on the plane.


"Yeah babe."

"Have you got baby names?" I say giggling a bit. Baby names.

"Well yeah I mean, I've been waiting for this day for ages."

"Tell me them."

"Okay, well, if it's a baby girl, Genevieve. If it's a boy, Adrian."

"Genevieve is so pretty." I smile at him.

"Do you have baby names?" I nod. "What are they?"

"If it's a boy I was thinking Trey and if a girl, Annaliese." 

"I like those names."

"I can't wait to be a mom." I lean on his shoulder and listen to the plane engines.

"I can't wait to be a daddy." I look at him weirdly.

"Let's not say daddy." He laughs and kisses my cheek. I blush a little and lean back on his shoulder.


The plane lands after forever and I make my way to the bathroom to happily vomit once again.

I wash my face and rinse my mouth and walk back to Cameron.

"This is gonna be a long 9 months, but it will be worth it." He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist.

"BEE !" I hear someone shout. I turn around and see Raven dragging Carter toward us.

"RAVE!" She jumps at me and I laugh.

"Okay tell me why you guys are back early." She says in a serious tone. "Not that I don't want you back but I want to be an auntie and you're not getting on with the job."

"Well Raven if I told you you're gonna be an auntie will you stop saying that?" She squeals and engulfs me in a hug.

"Congrats you two!" Carter says and hugs Cameron.

"IM GONNA BE AN AUNTIE OMG!" Raven starts dancing around, getting weird looks from the people in the airport.

"Okay let's go now. We gotta tell the rest of the boys." I giggle and drag a dancing Raven out of the airport and to the car.



- A/N

Okay so, I spent the majority of my day planning out this new book I want to start writing and I've written the first three chapters ( it's gonna be a Cameron book ). It's actually really depressing so far and it's only three chapters.

Basically it's about a girl named Tori, she's going through a really hard time in her life and she doesn't have any friends and her mums an alcoholic and her sister is always at work trying to support the family. She gets bullied a lot at school, she's depressed and suicidal. She cuts a lot and yeah. Cameron moves in next door and *ABRA KADABRA!* ....

I was in tears writing the first chapter but it's gonna be a good book.

I'm thinking of the title name being 'Broken' but yeah. Comment if I should post the first chapter cause I need feedback on it.

Okay that's that.


I like those baby names as well 🌚😂

Okay love you guys ❤️

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