Thirty one.

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Once we had arrived, everyone else slowly came.

I was just waiting to dance the entire time we were eating dinner.

"Babe calm down. You're making the table shake." Cameron whispers to me. I stop moving my leg and the table stops moving.

"Sorry." I say back. He smiles and continues to eat his food while engaging in conversation with Matt and Nash.

I turn to Carter.

"So Carter when are you going to do it?" He chokes on his food and everyone looks up at him. I start to laugh a little.

"He's fine go back to eating." I say patting Carters back. Raven gives me a weird look and I laugh.

"It will happen when I don't feel nervous Bee. Sshhh okay." He zips his mouth and throws the key away. I do the same.

I start to eat again but get extremely bored.

"Cameron come on." I say grabbing his hand.

"Where are we going?" I smile widely while dragging him to the middle of the room.

"To dance." I look at the DJ and he nods.

I may have made some song preferences with the DJ before hand.

Worth It by Fifth Harmony came on and I looked at Cameron and started dancing.

"You're so weird." He says and joins in with my weird dance moves.

Raven soon joins my side and we all just start randomly dancing. I was crying of laughter eventually cause Cameron and Matt started partner dancing and Matt went to dip Cameron but instead he dropped him.


Matt started singing Let It Go and wondered off pretending he was Elsa.

I wiped my face and went and helped Cameron up.

"So if you're the girl does this make me the man?" I say and he laughs.

He shakes his head and grabs my hips.

The song changes to La Vie En Rose, Louis Armstrong's version.

I rest my head on Cameron's shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck as we sway side by side.

"Cameron where do you see us in 5 years?" I randomly say. It takes a while for him to answer.

"I see two, wait no three little kids running around. Two girls and a boy. I see you making cookies in the kitchen and a puppy tries and steals one. I see me walking in and kissing your cute little face while I take a cookie and then the three kids come into the kitchen and pull us to play with them." I smile at the thought of that. Cameron and I with kids.

"I like what's gonna happen in the years were together."

"Til the day we die." He kisses my cheek and spins me around.

The song slowly comes to an end and we share a kiss. I smile and pull away.

"I'm gonna go and get some more food real quick." He says kissing my hand. I nod and turn around and see Carter frantically waving for me.

He mouths 'now' and I smile. I quickly grab Cameron before he could get to the food.

"Raven!" I shout. She looks at me and smiles.

"Wassup Mrs Dallas?" She says hugging me.

"Babe I really want food." Cameron whines.

"Just a few more minutes okay." He pouts and I laugh. "Okay Raven come with me. You've got the speech you wrote tight?" She nods and I pull her up on the stage in front of the DJ set up. I give her a bunch of flowers and she looks at me weirdly.

"What's going on?" Cameron whispers.

"Watch and see." I say back. We hop off the stage and I look up at Raven smiling like an idiot.

"Attention everyone!" She says through the microphone. I start giggling. "Okay well, I've prepared something for tonight-" she's cut off by Carter walking on the stage.

"Actually I've prepared something for tonight." Raven gives him a really weird look. Carter smiles and gets down on one knee.

Cameron looks at me and smiles.

"You knew about this?" I nod.

"I'm the only one that knew." I look back up and Raven is crying.

"Raven Jones, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It would be an honour to call you my wife. Will you marry me?" Raven starts nodding.

"YES I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CARTER!" She screams as Carter picks her up and spins her around.

Everyone starts cheering and clapping.

This is the best night ever.

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