chapter five

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we got to the nandos car park. I hopped out and ran Inside. I got into corner booth not knowing how many people Will be there. I waited or about three minutes when Niall walked in with four boys behind him. I looked at him

at them the. my shirt them then my shirt them then my wallpaper on my phone.

They were freaking 5 seconds of Summer. OH MY GLOB THEY WERE 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER.

they reached our table Luke slid down beside me, with calum on my other side. I had a loss for words."Lily this is 5 seconds of Summer"niall said I nodded

"she's a huge fan lads. look at her shirt and her wallpaper on her phone.and her phone case" niall exclaimed grabbing n phone fro my hand.,"hiya"I said finding words. "niall give me my phoone" I whined.extending the o. Once we finished a waitress came to our table.She was wearing a crop top and high waisted booty shorts.

"what can I get you. good lookin lads .my names Victoria" she said

" Hooch and a Shirley temple" I answered for me and niall. she gave me a death glare. everyone gave their orders.

"Lily act like my girlfriend cause an is hitting on me and I don't like it." Luke whispered in my ear.

"okay"I responded

"guys act gay" niall told the guys

"Lilly's my girlfriend and today"Luke said and pecked my cheek.I swear butterflies had a ceaser in my stomach.

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