chapter 11

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I grabbed my vanilla chai tea.

" you lads ready" i asked louis and liam.

" yeah so what are you and Ed doing later tonight all i heard was that he was taking you out" liam asked

" um.. yeah bout that im just to his concert tonight" i said

" OMG your going on a date this calls for some ...( pause for effect).......SHOPPING!!!!!" louis squeled  like a girl.

" YAYYYYYY!!!!" me and Liam screamed in unison. we got a couple weird looks. their just jealous theyre not as awesome as i am. im a crazy mofo.

***************************************************** SHOPPING***********************************************

We got to the mall. me and louis ran inside. " time to acomplish operation leave liam" louis whispered.

"mission now in actin cshhhhhhh" i said manly/armyman like.

" ten four cssshh" louis replied

" meet me at Hollister as soon as you can cssssshhhh" i told louis

" kk we still have to find the perfect outfit for your date with Ed" louis replied.

" its not a date gessshhhh lou youre turning i dont like it" i said a little hurt

" oi im sorry mini hazz i lush you" louis said

" woooow how do you know about the lush you thing me and harry have" i questioned louis

" he's my hazz and he tells me things" louis answered

" im gonna kill him" i said kinda harsh but its a me and him thing. not a me louis and him thing. get it sraight hazz.

 by the time we finished talking we ended up at Hollister. right when we walkedi n my phoen buzzed.

********************** text conversation******************** L= lily LP= liam

LP- where are u

L- Hollister

LP- im coming to find u



L-but lili

LP-no buts

L-u said butts

LP- ur just like lou

L- thats y u luv me

LP-bye lils

L-bye lili

********************************** end of text conversation****************************

( sorry for the cliffhanger/really short chapter. mom made me clean my room. parents these day lol :) <3 lush yens )

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