Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

     I woke up four days later in the Gottlieb Memorial Hospital a few towns over from River Grove.  I was in a private room witch I was pretty sure I couldn’t afford. Leaning forward I took the clip board at the end of my bed to see why the doctors thought I had to be there. High blood lose, and major injury’s to the left arm. I found it a bit strange they left out the part that I was in a coma. If you think about it I may have been hurt but by the sound of it I wasn’t in a bad enough state to be in a private intensive care room.

  The nurse walked into the room and I quickly drop the clip board and laid upright with my back to the not so comforting pillow. She was had to be about in her twenty’s. She looked like Nurse Barbie to me. “Oh, good you’re awake.” She said smile this unbelievable fake smile. “There are these nice men with big shiny badges that want to ask you a few questions, I’ll be right back.” She winked and skipped out of the room.

“I’m not six!” I called after her rolling my eyes. A few minutes later she skipped back in with two River Grove police. One of them was short and bald; he had a very serious straight face on as is he was the king of the law on the biggest case in the entire world. The other was taller and had cleanly cut black hair. He was smiling and seemed friendlier then the other.

“My name is sheriff Wills and this is deputy Mullen we’re here to ask you a few questions on what happened four nights ago in the super 8 of River Grove Illinois room 106.” The short bald one said but he sounded scripted. Deputy Mullen nodded. “Let’s get to it then.” He pulled a chair up for himself and then another for Mullen.

  “So,” Mullen started. “What do you remember from that night?”

 “Uh…” That was all I could say there wasn’t much I could tell them that they would believe. It’s not like you go around telling people you were being tortured in a dream and when you woke up the dream came true.

“Start with just replaying your night.” Wills said and leaned in closer as if he wasn’t close enough.

“Well first I checked in to the hotel and then spent the whole night eating potato chips, drinking soda and watching Saturday night live until I fell asleep.” The men looked confused.

 “You don’t remember the attack at all?” Mullen questioned. I almost said what attack but then realised that when a maid finds a fifteen year old girl, in this case my fake driver’s licence said I was sixteen, laying in a pool of her own blood and blood stains the look as if she was dragged to the door. That looked pretty much like an attack from some type of freak killer. I wasn’t going to tell them the dream; it might have been too much to handle in one day for them.

“Not a Thing.” I said confidently. Both men sighed and Wills nodded to Mullen.

“That will be all then” Wills got up from his chair and gripped my clipboard. “Clair.” Clair Paige had been the fake name on all of my fake identities. I was guessing the hospital got the name from the hotel manager. Every time someone would call me that I wanted to scream out that my name was Jenna Florence but if my foster family ever found out where I was I would be dead. I was pretty sure they would find me when the news came out about the attack. Heather my stepmother would come in crying and scared, but that was all an act. Then she and Walter would drive me back complaining about have high their bills will go up with me around.

  I was left alone for too long after that. The Nurse never came back with any food and you would think that would be the first thing you’d do with someone who hasn’t eaten anything solid in four days. At this point I would have settled for eight week old pea soup. “Clair someone’s here to see you.” Looking up I could see the plastic nurse, the only thing that could have been worse would be my step parents behind her. Lucky that was only a theory.

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