Chapter 22

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  Chapter Twenty-Two

When I got back to the medical center it was twelve twenty five. The clouds had rolled in after Kelly left and it was pouring rain outside. My hair was glued to me face and my heels seemed to be belched by the extreme amounts of rain water. When I got to the door of the morgue I swung it open. What I saw wasn’t Hayden mooning over the dead like I expected but instead he was making out with the corner who was sitting on the empty operating table. My eyes widened and I felt like I had been slapped in the face with a dead fish.

   “Hayden!” I called after two minutes standing there with loss of words. Now I could figure out why Hayden had wanted to stay so long to hook up with a lady who works with dead bodies’ day in and day out. Hayden glanced over and I saw his eyes grow when he saw me. He pushed the girl off of himself and took a step back. She looked confused at first and then she saw me. Wiping her mouth off cracking a cheesy smile toward me and combed her hands through her hair. “Here’s my digits if you every want to do this again sometime.” She said placing a napkin in Hayden’s back pocket and walked out of the door pushing past me. She was more of a slut then I had thought she would have been. People were just continuing to deceive me.

  Hayden took out the napkin and threw it in a trash bin. “Don’t even ask.” He said and dragged out of the room after him. I stumbled down the hall after him barley able to get my footing right. When we got in the car we just sat looking out the window into the headlights of the car in front of us.

“I’m going to ask.” I said looking over at his blank face.

“She was a soul eater.” Hayden said shaking his head as if there was a ringing in his head I couldn’t hear. “She commands the living to do whatever she wishes and eats the souls of the dead.” The thought of the collage girl leaning over the dead corpses and eating souls wasn’t one that I had wished to see.

“You didn’t look like you were being controlled.” I said remember Aiden’s face when he had unwillingly slowly ripped open my flesh. Hayden had looked nothing like that he looked to be enjoying every minute of his time with the corner.

“Soul eaters control emotions not actions.” Hayden said and held out his hand indicating I pass him back his keys. I took them out of my pocket and hovered them over his palm.

“So if you weren’t such a tramp then maybe you wouldn’t have started making out with a monster.” I got no response for the sarcastic comment and he just ripped the keys out of my hand. The car started and we cruised out of the medical center parking lot. The radio read one fifteen and blared out the song what hurts the most by rascal flats. I watched all the other cars that passed us as we drove down the main road. We were going back to the motel like Richard had directed us to do when we were done until Hayden made an unexpected turn into the depths of the town. ‘Where are we going?” I asked and sat up straighter and looking three hundred and sixty degrees to see the road we left behind.

“If I know Coal then there no why he’s done what he was told.” Hayden said. Coal didn’t strike me as the type that would go get ice cream when he was supposed to be working. 

“What else could he be doing, where else could he go?” I asked and we turned into a swarm of cop cars.

“He’s right where Richard dropped him off.” Hayden said. “Last time Richard wanted him to break in somewhere by himself he sat on the front porch for three hours before I came to rescue him.” We pulled up to a back ally that was surrounded in miles of caution evidence tape. I counted seven police and they all seemed to be working on the same thing.

“There’s no why all of them are letting us in.” I said and then spotted Coal. He was right where Hayden said he would be. He was on a bench four buildings down holding his knee and muttering to himself.

“That’s why only Elson the F.B.I agent is going in.” He said and went to step out of the car but I gripped his arm and stopped him right in his tracks.

“What about me hum?”

“Go talk to Coal and try to persuade him out of his mood.” Couldn’t be too hard, I thought. “Oh and don’t let the cops see you.” I looked out the windshield and saw about fifteen men and women in uniform and held my breathe. Most of them were close to the ally, but Hayden had parked close enough that they would notice me. Hayden left the driver seat before I had any say in his plans.

 Quietly I crept out of the chevelle after Hayden was out of sight and walked past the cops to Coal on the bench. His face was as pale as the moon and I could see his knees twitching. When I was a few feet away he looked over and dropped his head to his chest. “I’m not a coward.” Coal murmured as I sat down beside him.

“What exactly made you think I thought you were a coward?” I said and pushed blond streaks out of my vision.

“Richard gave me a simple task and I failed.” He looked over at me with bloodshot eyes.

“I didn’t think breaking in to a crime scene was simple.”

   “The simplest.” His voice seemed to be slightly more tam then before.

   “Have you ever really thought it over?” I said. “Every other kid your age thinks monsters are pathetic and never would imagine breaking into murder scenes.” He smiled and nodded. “Imagine going to a public school and saying, Hello my name is Coal I kill vampires.” Coal started laughing and I joined him. It made me feel better to have a semi normal conversation for once. Deep down we both knew that the question was something both of us had thought about. What would it have been like if we had never meet Aiden? Coal would have had an easier time handling the thought. My mind always had Aiden in the back of it and the wait to get back to the room was slowly becoming more unbearable.

  “Are you done your pity party there Coal.” Hayden said walking up from the crowd of the cops that was continuing to grow. Coal gave Hayden a reassuring glare and Hayden just shrugged him off. “Well the locals don’t want anyone else really knowing much about this and wouldn’t let me through the tape, but they gave me these.” He held out a handful of pictures. I took them out of his grasp and flipped through them slowly so Coal could see.

“Were theses taken before the bodies were taken from the scene?” I asked pointing out the obvious. Hayden nodded and I noticed something strange. “There is someone this one.” I pointed to the top right corner of the fourth photo. There was clearly someone standing with their head around the wall. Coal squinted and Hayden leaned in closer and soon they both found the blurry image.

“It’s a girl with long black hair, that’s all I can really make out.” Coal said. It was all I could see as well and before Hayden could add anything the phone in my back pocket started to go off. I stood up from the bench and bushed past Hayden. Opening the screen I didn’t recognise the number so I answered it any way.

“Hello?” I reluctantly answered.

“Oh good I didn’t think you’d answer.” The voice was the one of the girl I had meet earlier, Natalia Hollows.

“Um can I help you?” I was starting to wonder how she was even calling me. She had given me her number but I never gave her mine? 

“No but I think I can help you.” She said contently. “I was driving by and saw you with that F.B.I guy and I know a little something the cops don’t want anyone to know.”

“What?” I said eagerly waning to know as well.

“There was a witness to the latest murder.” I didn’t even ask where she got it from but a witness would prove one thing. Who was in the photo? “Her name is Cayce May Lytton Google it and you’ll find her address.” When Natalia finished there was a click and she was gone as fast as she had appeared.

“Who was that?” Coal asked flicking his bangs out of his face.

“Some girl I meet earlier today.” I said and pushed the phone back in my pocket.

“You should just give anyone your number.” Hayden glared at me. “Even normal fifteen year olds follow that rule.”

“She told me something that might help.” I said and Hayden rolled his eyes.

“What is it?” Coal asked after Hayden clearly stopped caring.

“She told me who the witness was to this crime.”

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