Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

  “We have to go to Kansas City.” I said and both boys looked toward me. “Pain is hiding Aiden in the union station that’s there.”

“Holy cow.” Coal said. “I thought you said you guys weren’t even close to knowing that.”

“The universe decided it was time we know I guess.” I said and started to throw things into the bags scattered around the room.

“Hold your horses.” Hayden said to me. “We need to call Richard and tell him to meet us there.”

“That’s not a good idea.” Coal said and I nodded in agreement not wanting to feel the denial he put on my shoulders the last time I had brought up Pain.

“I don’t care; he knows the most about killing nightmares we need to have that kind of back up.” Before Coal or I could challenge Hayden he dialed in Richards’s number on his phone and shut us out of his attention range.

“He’s on his way there.” Hayden put the phone back in his pocket after a few minutes. “You can pack now.”

 We drove for almost a whole day straight. I had fallen asleep for only half an hour and drove most of the way on nerves.  Only an hour away Hayden took over the wheel after telling me I was too distracted to drive and would most likely end up crashing the car. When we were five minutes away from the station I could barely focus and felt sick to my stomach. Out of nowhere Hayden hit the brakes. I looked over the dash board to see a huge mule deer standing inches away from the head lights of the chevelle.

The crack of lightning came from behind us. I turned to face to hurricane cloud that was tailing us. “Hayden drive.” I yelled when I noticed the storm.

“I’ll hit the deer!” Hayden snapped back sweat braking out on his face. I looked around and soon spotted her. The Fearless stood on the side of the road worry clouding her expression. When her misty eyes meet mine she just nodded.

“No you won’t, drive!” I yelled and Hayden floored the gas pedal. The rubber tires screamed against the pavement. The car bolted forward and the deer dissolved into snow when it collided with the chevelle. Hayden booked it the rest of the way to the station and I prayed the cops wouldn’t catch us.

  When we pulled onto the parking lot of the huge white stone Victorian station I partially fell out of the back seat of the car. “Jenna, wait.” Coal yelled to me but I was already sprinting toward the main entrance. Not paying attention I hit the curb and feel to my hands and my knees. I felt the husky grip of a man slid onto my shoulder seconds after I hit the ground.

“You really should listen to your friends if you don’t want to end up on the ground.” I twisted around till I was sitting on the cement to see Richard looming over me. Hayden and Coal came up behind him and we all stood in a circle apart from me who was still on the ground. “Nice to see you again how long has it been?” Richard said.

“Two months and now it’s September fifteenth.” When Coal finished I had to stop myself from yelling out.

“You’re joking, it can’t be the fifteenth.” I realised my time was almost up. They were coming for Aiden and they were only seconds behind us.

“Why is the fifteenth so impotent?” Hayden asked.

“You know that time line I told you about.” I said and lifted myself back to my feet resisting the urge to run into the building. “Today’s the due date, Pain almost here I need to go in know.”

“Then go.” Richard said. “We will keep a watch on that cyclone of a storm.” He beckoned me away with his hand and I took off. I could hear Coal say something and then noticed him follow me in through the doors. The main hall was packed with people.

“What are we looking for?” Coal asked when he caught up to me.

“I don’t know something marble.” I said hopelessly.

“Great, find something marble in a building that’s literally all marble.” Coal said rolling his eyes. “What a minute.” Coal’s body tensed up and he then began to push through the mass amounts of people. I followed him up the first flight stairs and down the halls until I was out of breath.

“Coal where are you going?” I called and he stopped in his tracks.

“When I had that dream that you had to, I was running away from my life.” Coal said. “Away from the orphanage.” 

“I know.” I crossed my arms and began to anxiously tap my toes on the bottom of my shoe.

“I was on a train when I feel asleep into that dream. After the nightmare for a split second when I woke up in my own blood I was in a storage room.” He said nervously. “There was this angel statue in there and I think it was made of marble. When the janitor found me I passed out.”

“Almost the same thing happened to me how any of this helping.” I hissed.

“Jenna listen, when I woke back up it was in a hospital called Children’s Mercy that’s here in Kansas City, I think that storage room is up here somewhere and I think that angel is where that boy’s soul is.” Coal screamed but only I seemed to notice him.

“Lead the way then.” I said and he took off down the halls again.

 Half an hour later we still couldn’t find anything. We sat on the floor with our backs against the walls and I was taking deep breath so I didn’t have an anxiety attack. I scanned every single person I watch walk by to make sure none of them were Pain. “Look behind you.” I heard a cloudy voice of a Fearless come from inside my head. I pushed myself away from the wall to see a door behind me.

 I pushed on Coal’s shoulder and we both stood up and circled the door. “That wasn’t there before.” Coal pointed out and I twisted the gold handle. When I pushed the door open my heart lifted. In front of us was a marble glass hallway. A life size statue of an angel sat at the end of the hallway. I felt my feet gild up to it. It looked exactly like Aiden, only covered in marble and with wings. I could feel the life of a soul burning inside it and knew that Coal had been right.

 I stood still in front of it and Coal only stood a few feet away from me. My lungs tightened and I felt like I had almost hit the finish line. I went to brush my hand against the smooth surface of the angel’s wings. The moment my fingertips meet the pearl white marble I watched the clean walls fade into a creamy white stained in dirt. The angel was replaced with the real Aiden. I ran over to him slid my arms on top of his shoulders. I let them hang loosely and stepped in so my face was less than an inch away from his.

“Jenna, what’s going on why are you back here?” Aiden asked but I couldn’t take my eyes off of his. My stomach flipped and I held back for a few seconds. My conscience screamed at me, yelling out all the nerve racking possibilities. I shut it off and leaned and my lips locked in with Aiden’s. I felt his arms cross behind my back as pulled me closer to him. I could feel his ribs shacking his breathing rattled.

I pulled back and couldn’t resist smiling. “Do you know how I feel now?” I asked and felt all my worries slid farther away and out of reach than ever before.

“Yeah, I think I know.” He said smiling. “And I like that answer.”

“Thank god.” I said and watched as he began to fade away. I blinked for only a second and was back in front of the marble statue. The room was dark was musty now and any trace of a soul hiding in the angel was gone. He was out. 

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