Chapter 34

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      Chapter Thirty-Four     

  I searched the marble room over with my eyes and waited a few seconds before it hit me. Aiden was definitely out of the prison but he wasn’t here either. My muscle gave way and I laid my head down at the feet of the angel. I felt salty tears roll down my face and crash against the close to clear floor.

“Jenna we have to go.” Coal called to me. “Your friend is gone, but that storm isn’t going anywhere.” I whipped my face and got a grip on my feelings.

“Let’s get out of here.” I ran past Coal catching his wrist on the way and pulling him behind me. We ran down the huge halls pushing any one out of are way until we made it to the main hall. I couldn’t make myself move and Coal was out the door before I had any courage to even call him back.

  I noticed the big clock that hung above his head and how white his T-shirt was unusually spotless. At first I wasn’t sure it was him but the closer I slowly inched towards him I could tell I wasn’t going crazy. I didn’t call him because I had the fear he wouldn’t remember who I was. But he noticed me. “Jenna?” Aiden called out. I jogged over and he threw his arms around me when I got close enough. I dug my head into his chest he put his chin on my head. “I think I’m dreaming.” He whispered.

“You better not be.” I said breathing in the new clean sent he harnessed.

“Has that cloud always been there?” Aiden took a hold of my shoulders and turned my till I was facing the massive windows. The storm was now almost right above our heads.

“We have to get out of here, its pain their coming, your deadlines up in the room their coming for you.” I started to run toward the doors when the sound of metal colliding howled across the marble hall. Sirens began to go off I could hear the faint yelling of voices speaking of how to trains had just crashed head on into each other. Wind picked up in the hall and as I was just about I was about to follow Aiden into the fresh air when all the glass doors slammed closed and locked the remaining people into the hall.

“Jenna!” I heard Aiden call from the other side of the glass before the whole room was filled full of thick black smoke. The smoke soon filed into a tornado around me and spun wickedly. I could see the silhouettes of seven figures standing around my just behind a thin layer of the black smoke. Panic was the first one to show his face.

“Look who broke our chains.” He snickered. “The only one to manage so far.”

“Right on, that Nickel girl got close but you were only that much better.” Shasta said coming and standing beside Lantis. She twirled her toothpick in her hand and sinisterly stared at me.  I felt hands run through my hair and tangled as the hands pulled up. I glanced over to see Anastasia who dug her nails into the back of my skull.

“Don’t struggle honey.” She whispered to me. “We just are going to take your soul.”

“What!” I yelled through gritted teeth. I felt fire blaze through my veins.

“Yeah well we came here to take a soul and yours was next on the list.” Lantis said and took out the silver razor that started the whole mess. “It’s always messy to take a soul out a living person and it’s much harder than one we’ve trapped, but we can deal.”

 He advanced over to me and Anastasia as the closer he got the faster the wind got. When he was right in front of me I still couldn’t fully see him because of way my hair flew across my face. All my fears rose inside me and I began to break down. Sweat beds dripped down my face and I could feel a knot building up in my core.

 Lantis dragged the smooth side of the razor down my face with just enough pressure to scare me but not draw blood. “This is how they took my soul and replaced it with this consent panic.” Lantis said. “It’s the most painful feeling in the whole world, but at least I didn’t die afterward.” He lunged and drilled the razor into my shoulder. I screamed out and with my last strength lifted my arms and grasped onto Lantis’ hand that held the razor’s handle.  I pulled the bloody silver weapon out of my flesh and threw it onto the ground.

 Anastasia dropped me to my feet and took a step back. “That’s impossible; Santo said the razor kills anyone of a weaker form then us.” Shasta yelled from behind Lantis who just stood in shock. I gripped onto my shoulder and tried not to faint at the amount of blood pouring out of the wound.

“Your human and I’m human, I don’t see why it would kill me and not you.” I said stated the fact Zero had told me. Before any one of us could do or say anything more a sonic screaming sound filled the cyclone. I could see a swarm of crows fill the empty space we were standing in. They enclosed every last pocket of air and all I could see was a massive tangle of black feathers.

 When the birds finally parted Shasta, Lantis and Anastasia were standing behind the man with the silver razor. His trench coat was stain in dried blood and his eyes were as white as a Fearfuls’. He seemed to be floating off the marble floor and the coat covered up his hands making his look like a floating coat.

 He glitched out like a ghost would till he was right above me. I could see his white eyes burning in their sockets like a forest fire. One of his hands slid out from the coat and he took a hold of my neck and lifted my almost four feet of the ground.

 I could feel all of my life score being sucked out of me. My eyes fluttered open and shut until I couldn’t keep them focus on anything. Rain crashed onto my freezing cold skin and the wind howled in my ears until I could barely even feel my own heartbeat. My organs started to knot and shut down altogether. It was all a blur until something hit the man in the face and he’s eyes left my face.

Awareness hit me like truck and I slammed onto the floor out of the man’s grasp. The man yelled out and franticly looked for the origin of where the shock had come from. He turned to the members of Pain how stood behind him. “Santo it wasn’t us!” Anastasia yelled when he turned towards them. As he floated towards them I felt someone put their hand over my mouth and drag me into the curtain of smoky wind.

 When we were well out of sight I turned around to see Zero panting behind me. “What are you doing, aren’t you one of them?” I half whispered half screamed.

“I told you I’m done with watching crap like this.” He took a deep breath. “I’m helping you.” He admitted.

“No offence but how are you going to get me out of here at the doors a sealed shut.” I pointed out and noticed how much more blood I had lost.

“The doors are locked but not the windows.” He said. “If you’re afraid of heights I suggest you close your eyes.” He picked me up and then jumped into the cyclone. We were flung up into the air until Zero reached out and took a hold of one of the window seals. When I was firmly on the ledge he vanished.

I turned to the shattered window and without any second thoughts took a step out bracing myself for the drop. But instead of midair my foot landed on the side walk in front of the station. I looked around unable to find any of the boys but before I could make my next move the chevelle pulled up in front of me. “Get in.” Richard called. I looked inside of the car but only saw Hayden, Richard and Coal.

“Where’s Aiden?” I asked worriedly.

“Coal said he wasn’t there.” Hayden said confused.

“Well when you find him take my truck.” Richard said and threw me his keys before speeding away. I looked around and soon found Aiden standing in the same spot I had last seen him. With my finale energy boost I ran to the truck and pulled it up behind him.

“Aiden get in.” I yelled after I pushed open the passenger door with my good shoulder.  Without question he ran and leaped into beside me. I floored the truck down the roads with lightning tailing us as until we broke out of the hurricane and into the calm of clear sky.

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