Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

  I could feel my surrounding again. My body ached and kept my eyelids shut. “It’s been too long; Passionflower shouldn’t knock her out twice.” I heard Coal yell through a shaky nervous voice. I could feel his littler footsteps pacing across the room.

“She’s still breathing Coal, take a pill.” I heard Hayden from the end of the couch I was lying on. I could sense him looking down on me. He was just as worried as Coal was just less in a panic.

“Hayden, it’s been thirteen and a half hours!” He howled and the pacing sound stopped by where Hayden sat. “What if she dies, hey?” I let my eyes flutter open and I pushed myself upright. The clock read ten am.

“Well she’s not dead.” Richard said looking up from his newspaper. “You good there Jenna.”

“I’m fine.” I said and cross my legs moving over so Hayden could sit beside me. “Were you worried?” I said smiling looking at Coal whose face was beet red.

“Not really.” He said patiently keeping a straight face.

   “Well if you three are done with your little party I have something.” Richard said gesturing for us to gather around his laptop’s screen. We formed a semicircle to see an article in the local newspaper. The subtitle read strange suicide on grove street bridge. There was picture in the top corner of a pretty strawberry blond young adult girl. There was someone with their arm around her shoulder. The writing under the picture read Hillary Nicolson. “It says she took her own life and after five months the police still have no solid evidence why.” Richard quoted.

“So do they think she was pushed?” Coal asked.

“No,” Hayden said as he read on. “The think she tripped over the edge.” The half walls on the edges of the bridge were high enough you couldn’t just fall off.  “And there was a witness.” Hayden said looking away from the screen.

“Who.” I asked

“Fredrick Thomas.” Richard said and slammed the laptop shut. “Ring any bells?”

  We had spilt up.  Richard and Coal had gone to the bridge to look for anything strange. Hayden and I one the other hand were now standing at the front door of Fredrick’s house. I pushed the doorbell for the sixth time with no answer and Hayden was starting to get frustrated. He whammed on the door with his fist as hard as he could. The door clicked open and Hayden stopped right before he hit Fredrick in the face. “What do you want?” He asked harshly. He was a mess. It seemed he hadn’t put any effort into looking presentable.

“F.B.I as you already know, just need to ask you a few questions.” Hayden said. He took he’s hands out his suit pockets. Hayden had worn it to look more professional. Fredrick stepped back letting Hayden in but almost slammed my arm in the door when I took a step forward.

“She can’t come in.” Fredrick hissed.

  “She won’t bit.” Hayden said calmly. “Let her in.” He opened the door and I gingerly walked through. He led me and Hayden into a simple living room. There was a leather couch at the base of the window facing a flat screen TV. Shelves full of picture lined all the cream brown walls. I recognised the faces of Jake and Hillary in most of the photos. There was another man in most of them that I believed to be Daniel. I sat beside Hayden on the couch and Fredrick slumped over into an old maple chair across from us.

“You were with me when Jake died.” Fredrick said when we were settled. “Why the hell do you need a witness report?”

“We’re here about Hillary.” I said leaning forward. “Not Jake.” Fredrick sat up stiffer than before, waiting for the first question.

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